
We Are Here To Help

Teachers, we are here to support you in good times and bad. Here's how we can help right now:

  1. Customer service is available by email or phone as always.
  2. Vetted resources and advice from our Teacher Advisory Network, PD Team, and staff will be shared every Tuesday by email and archived for your reference.
  3. Social media (Facebook and Twitter) will be used to immediately share information from trusted resources.
  4. A dedicated web page will serve as a repository for all of the resources, advice, and information related to COVID-19.

Growing Partnerships

Oklahoma CareerTech Horizon examines the growing partnerships between industry and education in Episode 5 of their podcast. In this episode, MBA Research Interim President/CEO Rick Mangini, Director of Business Engagement Holly Atha, and OK CareerTech’s Carrie DeMuth discuss using Futuring Panel focus groups to facilitate conversation on where the industry is heading and how educators can keep up. Click here to listen (Futuring Panels segment starts at 16:45).

New! Action Brief Discusses Social Ventures

Can a business change the world? Or maybe just your little corner of the world? While not a new concept, social enterprises are on the rise and our global culture is adjusting to make room for them. Using research conducted with the business community, our newest Action Brief explains this trend and provides discussion questions, as well as COVID-19 consideration.

Look Inside a Learning Activity Package (LAP)
Nature of Customer Relations


Customer service can make or break a business. Excellent service can make life-long customers, and bad service can alienate people. Click here to get a snippet about our latest LAP Accentuate the Positive (Nature of Customer Relations) and teach students about positive customer relations and how they can help their businesses achieve them.

This 2020 edition LAP (referenced as LAP-CR-003) is available in the Learning Center today.

Ready-To-Use Classroom Resource

Use The Gray Zone ethical dilemmas to introduce your students to problems and situations that don’t have one specific right or wrong answer. This week’s Gray Zone topic: Nature of Pricing.

This Gray Zone comes from the The Price Is Right lesson module (LAP) and aligns to performance indicator PI:001 Explain the nature and scope of the pricing function.

Learning Center LMS

Did you know? In the Learning Center, you can view quiz statistics for published quizzes. The different kinds of quiz statistics available to view are the quiz summary and question breakdown. You can also view detailed student analysis and item analysis reports. Click here for instructions on how to view quiz statistics.

For an in-depth look at all the features the Learning Center has to offer, watch this video.

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MBA Research & Curriculum Center
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1375 King Ave.
Columbus, OH 43212

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