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An Important Message from Ausable Bayfield Conservation:

Your safety is our number one priority. We are taking prudent steps, during the current pandemic, to reduce risk of the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). 

Here at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) we are taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously. We are monitoring the situation daily and we are taking proactive action now, in our operations, to protect our clients, community partners, and staff.

Canadian public health agencies say, at this time (*), that the risk from COVID-19 is “… low for the general population in Canada …” but things can change rapidly and some vulnerable populations are at risk. We can all do our part to help slow or prevent the spread of this virus.

We are here to help

We are limiting in-person contacts, to prevent the possible spread of this virus, but our staff continue to be available, by phone and email, to help you.

These precautions are in in place effective March 16 and in effect until April 5, based on current information.

Office closed to non-essential visits

Access to our office is now restricted until further notice. Our staff continue to be available to serve you by phone, email, and teleconference but our public office access is now restricted to essential visits only. 

Also, please do not visit the office if you are experiencing symptoms such as cough; fever; difficulty breathing and shortness of breath; or if you have travelled to an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19; or if you live with someone who has travelled to one of those areas; or if you have been in contact with someone known to have COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms similar to the Flu or COVID-19.

Social distancing

To limit the risk of virus spread, we are reducing the number of situations, in our operations, where people are in close proximity. We have asked staff to conduct meetings by phone or teleconference, when possible, instead of in person and to postpone any non-essential site visits.  We are cancelling some meetings and holding others remotely. We are postponing events until after April 5.

Additional precautions in our office

To protect our clients, community partners, and our staff from the potential spread of coronavirus, we are taking a number of additional measures and precautions to prevent potential spread of any virus. We have implemented technology and training to make it possible for staff to do more work from home if necessary. We are cleaning frequently-touched surfaces more often and using cleaning materials with bleach in them and we are keeping interior doors open so there is less contact with doors and doorknobs. As recommended by health professionals, staff are washing hands often with soap and water and/or alcohol-based hand sanitizer; refraining from coughing into hands; staying at home if sick; etc.

These are just some of the measures we are taking in the interest of everyone’s safety.


Find out more:

Ausable Bayfield Conservation:

For information on service disruptions affecting Ausable Bayfield Conservation programs and services, please visit our website and our Notices of Service Disruptions web page: We also encourage you to regularly monitor local, provincial, and national public health website and social media channels:


For current risk information and updates, please refer to the Public Health Agency of Canada: 


Local public health:


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by phone or email. Our phone is 519-235-2610 and toll-free 1-888-286-2610 and our email is

Thank you

We thank you for your patience during this time and for your understanding that the measures we are taking are taken with your safety in mind.

We look forward to serving you through phone and remote technology until it is safer to meet in person.

(*) As of March 16, at 9 a.m., according to the Public Health Agency of Canada, “At this time, the public health risk associated with COVID-19 is low for the general population in Canada but this could change rapidly. There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians: aged 65 and over; with compromised immune systems; (and) with underlying medical conditions.”

We will continue to monitor the situation daily, rely on public health guidelines and recommendations, and advise the public of major changes that may affect our clients and community partners.

Our trails continue to be open and we hope you enjoy them as open-air opportunities to be active while maintaining a safe social distance that helps to slow or prevent the spread of this virus.
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