Updates from Uliya. 
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Some offerings 
COVID-19 is on all of our minds, and I know we all do not and cannot respond in the same way. I want to share some thoughts, some musical offerings that I hope are soothing, and some resources to help or get help:
- Thoughts
- Music
- Resources
First, please stay at home if at all possible. I am not over reacting. No one is. If you absolutely have to go out or if you need something from outside, please take precautions. And if you need help, ask for it (using google doc resource below), including asking for financial assitance if you choose to say home and your wages are affected by that deicison (a very VALID decision). Or you can reply to this email, and I will do my very best.

I've been thinking about how to both protect myself, and those I care about, especially those who are most vulnerable health-wise and those whose livelihood are impacted (freelancers, artists, performers, retail and service workers, etc). I'm thinking about parents who may not have childcare or kids who may not have meals, which are normally provided at school. And I've been more intentional about staying connected, reaching out and being reached out to. I've been thinking about those, domestically and globally, who endure personal or community-based crisis, maybe even multiple, due to health, resource and food scarcity, disability, persecution, state violence, natural disaster (due to a climate crisis they are primarily not responsible for), disease outbreak, etc, all the time with only each other to rely on, not much of any sort of global, corporate, or government support. This is not a new feeling, this feeling of doom and anxiety, or reality that many, many, many people in the world now and historically (even our own ancestors) have been developing strategies to care for one another and navigate, survive, and thrive through.
Click the images below to access the music + playlist
For support: Coronavirus Resource Kit
To help, get help: COVID-19 LGBTQI+ BIPOC Fundraiser
To help, get help: C19 Help Squad
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