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In today’s Chumash, we learn how Betzalel and Oholiav made the Menorah, the Mizbeiach Haketores, the Shemen Hamish’cha, and the Ketores. We learned how all of these things are made in Parshas Terumah, Tetzaveh, and Ki Sisa, when Hashem gave the instructions to Moshe Rabbeinu. In this week’s parsha we learn how Moshe Rabbeinu gives these instructions to the Yidden, and how the Yidden actually make them. The pesukim tell us exactly how each part of the Mishkan was made. In today’s Inyana D’Yoma section we will learn a sicha explaining why the Torah tells all of the details again, instead of just saying in short that the Yidden did what Hashem said to Moshe! |
In today’s first Kapitel, Dovid Hamelech tells us about the wonders of Hashem in the creation of the world! The second posuk says, “Oteh Or KaSalma” — “Hashem puts on light, like clothes.” When someone is wearing clothes, we can only see the clothes, but we know who is wearing them! And when we see light, like the sun, we can remember that it’s like Hashem’s clothes! Even though we can’t see Hashem, Hashem is there! This will help us have Yiras Shomayim. |
In the last perek, the Alter Rebbe told us that only when we do a mitzvah with maaseh, then the Shechinah can rest even on our guf. In this perek, the Alter Rebbe will explain to us why maaseh, doing the mitzvah with our guf and Gashmius, is so important. The Chachomim tell us that “Hashem wants a place to live in the lowest place that He created” (Dira Betachtonim). The Alter Rebbe tells us that it means that Hashem wants a place to live right here in this Gashmius world! Why is this called “Tachtonim” (the lowest)? Because here is where Hashem is hidden the MOST. Hashem wants to have a Dira here, which is the darkest and lowest part of the creation, because the greatest light comes only after there is darkness. That’s why the greatest light of Hashem can only be revealed in this world. When will Hashem’s Dira be ready? When Moshiach comes! Then Hashem will be revealed, even here in the Tachtonim! In the next perek the Alter Rebbe will explain how this Dira is completed — when we do mitzvos, especially mitzvos with maaseh, during the time of Golus. |
The Hayom Yom was written for a year where there were TWO Adars (a Shana Me’uberes). This year there is only ONE Adar (a Shanah Peshutah), so we learn BOTH Hayom Yoms every day! Chof-Alef Adar Alef In the Mishnah and in the Gemara, we see the title “chossid” used a lot. For example, it is used about Adam Harishon, who is called a chossid because he recognized what happened as a result of the Cheit Eitz Hadaas, and fasted and did teshuvah for 130 years. When the Chachomim talk about a chossid, they are talking about someone who is very wise, has very good midos, or both. But when we use the name “Chossid” in Chassidus, we mean someone who: 1) Someone who knows who he is (Makir Mehuso)! (In Tanya and Chassidus we learn about who we are as individuals, that we have a constant battle with our Yetzer Hara, and the kochos Hashem gives us to win over it. We know the shlichus that Yidden have all together, and the special shlichus of our generation.) 2) He knows which parts of Torah he knows. 3) He knows how he is using his time and kochos in learning Torah. 4) He knows how he is doing in keeping the mitzvos and following Shulchan Aruch. 5) He is doing his best to fix up things he knows he is missing, and where he could be doing better. 6) He has a lot of Kabolas Ol to do what he knows he has to do! Chof-Alef Adar Sheini In yesterday’s Hayom Yom, we learned what the Maggid told the Alter Rebbe: It’s not enough to just have the korban of giving of ourselves to Hashem, but it needs to be done with a constant chayus, like the fire on the Mizbeiach that never went out. The Tzemach Tzedek told over the story in yesterday’s Hayom Yom and concluded: My grandfather, the Alter Rebbe, is the “Moshe Rabbeinu” of Chassidus Chabad! What did Moshe Rabbeinu do? Hashem gave the Torah to Moshe, but he shared it with all of the Yidden! The same way, the Maggid gave the Alter Rebbe the “fire” of Chassidus, but the Alter Rebbe shared it with EVERYONE who learns and teaches Chassidus! The Tzemach Tzedek continued: I am sure that anyone who teaches another Yid, and helps HIM have a “fire,” a chayus in Chassidus — Hashem will reward him with a zechus that will never go out. This Hayom Yom comes from a letter written to R’ Mordechai Cheifetz, one of the mashpiim of the club for girls, Achos HaTmimim, which the Frierdiker Rebbe started to inspire the girls to grow in learning Chassidus and behaving like a chossid — Darkei Hachassidus. In this letter, the Frierdiker Rebbe tells R’ Mordechai this story, to show that the girls should not just be learning for Kabolas Ol, but they should have a fire, a chayus in it too! In a sicha, the Rebbe brings a few lessons we should all learn from this: See Likutei Sichos chelek Alef, parshas Tzav |
Today’s mitzvah is the same as yesterday’s (Mitzvas Asei #98) — that we need to follow what the Torah teaches us about food and drink becoming Tomei. |
In today’s Rambam, we learn more about how food and drink become Tomei: Perek Daled explains the smallest amount of food that is Mekabel Tumah (any amount — even a drop!) and the smallest amount of food that can make other things tomei (at least a Kebeitzah). Perek Hey teaches us the halachos about the Yad (like the stem) and the Shomer (like the peels) of a food. If a Yad is attached to a food, it can become Tomei. A Shomer can always become Tomei, unless it gets thrown away. Sometimes they are counted as part of the food, and sometimes not! Perek Vov has the halachos of when foods are counted as “attached” or not. A pile of dough is counted as attached — if part of the dough is touched, the whole thing is Tomei. But if figs were squashed into a pile and some of the figs became Tomei, the rest of them are still Tahor. |
Perek Chof-Alef has halachos about taking a field that used to belong to the person who borrowed money, but now he sold it to someone else. If it is worth more money, who gets the extra money? |
In Parshas Vayakhel and Pekudei, we learn about how the Yidden made the Mishkan, just the way Hashem wanted. But if you look at the pesukim, you might think, “Didn’t we learn this before?” The Torah could have just said, “And the Yidden made the Mishkan just the way Hashem wanted.” Instead, there is practically two whole parshas repeating what we already learned! Why? Chassidus explains that Moshe heard about the Mishkan while he was on Har Sinai. He was very close to Hashem and did not eat or drink, like a malach! When he learned about the Mishkan, he was thinking about all of the Ruchnius in the Mishkan, and about all of the kedusha there. That’s all of the pesukim in Parshas Terumah and Tetzaveh. In Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei, though, we learn about the GASHMIYUS Mishkan — about the way it was built with wood and gold and silver! We learn how the regular Yidden gave gold and copper to build the Mishkan, and about how Betzalel and Oholiav made sure that each part of the Mishkan was made properly. And what’s the MAIN point of the Mishkan? The Gashmiyus! Hashem wants a house HERE, in this world that is full of trees and rocks and animals and dirt. Hashem doesn’t need another house in Shomayim, Hashem wants to live right here in this world! That’s the Mishkan we’re learning about in Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei. That’s why we need to say it all over again, because now we’re talking about Hashem’s house on earth, and that’s very different! The Rebbe teaches us a very important lesson that we need to take from this: We might look around at the world, at the dark Golus, and wonder how we could make a Mishkan here! Maybe we think that a Moshe Rabbeinu could build a Mishkan on Har Sinai, but what about us here and now? That is why the Torah repeats the whole Mishkan in Parshas Vayakhel and Pekudei! Hashem is telling us that this IS the Mishkan that the Torah is talking about! That regular ordinary people like us should do our best to make a Mishkan in this Gashmius messy world! Then Hashem will bentch us to have hatzlacha in fulfilling His kavana, and will rest in the Mishkan that we built. See Likutei Sichos chelek Alef, Parshas Pekudei |
We are going through the Seder HaTefillah for the weekdays and Shabbos. Today we will learn about an additional tefillah that we say when Shabbos begins to welcome Shabbos. In Maariv of Shabbos there are two parts: Kabolas Shabbos and Maariv. In Kabolas Shabbos, we welcome Shabbos: First, we say six kapitelach of Tehillim, matching up to the six days of the week that just passed. Then we say the paragraph of Ana B’Koach, which brings us up to a higher level in Ruchnius. Afterwards, we say three pieces in honor of Shabbos: 1) Lecha Dodi 2) Two kapitelach of Tehillim that speak about Shabbos 3) A piece of the Zohar starting with the word Kegavna, which speaks about the Ruchnius’dike inyan of Shabbos, what happens in Shomayim on Shabbos and down here as well. With these Tefillos we are Mekabel Shabbos. |
Hashem is Ein Sof, without sizes or measurements or limits! But still, Hashem put Himself into mitzvos we can do that DO have a specific shiur, a specific size or measurement. Whenever the Chachomim made a takana, that ALSO has a certain shiur! All of the mitzvos we do on the night of Pesach have a specific shiur, and are done in a certain order. This is important to know, because if we want to keep the mitzvos, we need to do them in the way that halacha teaches! In halacha, for something to be counted as eating, we need to eat a certain amount and in a certain amount of time. If someone eats less, it might be like tasting something, not eating it! And if it takes us too long to eat it, it might also not be counted as eating — it’s like taking a bunch of tastes instead! So to be counted as eating the matzah and the maror, and drinking the Daled Kosos, we need to make sure to eat or drink the right amount in a short enough time. (There are different opinions in halacha about what amount a person needs to eat or drink, and how long they have to finish, lechat’chila and bedieved. You can see these opinions in the halacha newsletters, or ask your Rav which opinion you should follow.) Let’s look at one of these things, the kos of wine that we drink. The cup of wine needs to be big enough to hold a Reviis. (It is better to have a smaller kos and drink the whole thing, than to have a bigger kos and only drink part, because drinking only part of the kos is bedieved.) But how much is a Reviis? Chabad goes according to the opinion of R’ Avraham Chaim No’eh, who says that the shiurim are pretty small. R’ Avraham Chaim No’eh holds that a Reviis is the same size as the Gematria of the word kos — 86! A reviis is 86 ml, which is about 2.9 oz. (Most standard bechers are 5 oz or bigger.) See the Pesach Guide by Halochos.com, and the Halacha Newsletter by Rabbi Lesches from Melbourne |
לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ |
It says in the Zohar that when we will come close to the days of Moshiach, we will see that even children will know about the hidden secrets of Torah. This is one of the signs of Moshiach that we can see today! Even small kinderlach learn and understand Chassidus, the hidden secrets of the Torah! See Zohar 118a |
לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק |
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