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This notice is in addition to the HGI notice, which can be found here.  
Public advice states that being in close contact with someone in a way that poses significant risk of infection means spending 15 minutes or more within 6 feet - which obviously makes our therapy contact potentially quite high risk for transmission for the therapist as well as the client.  We feel we need to give therapists some clear guidance as to how best protect themselves and their patients whilst continuing the service provision in this potentially long period of health risk.

As well as prolonging the intervals between sessions; and closing cases as soon as is ethically possible, Online provision by Telephone/Skype/Zoom can be offered as an alternative; but it is essential that therapists  are clear on the implications and limitations as spelt out in HGI guidelines at  It is stated that only therapists with ‘substantial experience’ of face to face counselling should provide online service.  It also advises against using the Rewind unless clear precautions are in place.
We therefore require that:
  • Any therapist providing online counselling MUST confirm to that they have read and will comply with the guidelines
  • Therapists who have open cases and those who have referrals already assigned to them, need to consider immediately the wisdom of continuing face to face; and to offer online counselling instead until further notice.
  • If a therapist does not want to provide online counselling, they should seek the client’s consent to transfer to another therapist who can do so, as arranged through Karolina.
  • Given that provision can be made from any location there may be an opportunity to offer referrals to those therapists who have not had any referrals from PTSDR to date. 
  • A useful text that could be used to communicate this to the client is:
Dear Client,
As you will know, there is growing awareness of the need to avoid passing on potential infection as a result of the current Covid 19 outbreak. In our counselling setting, we work in close proximity with many different clients for extended periods of the day. In order to protect both yourself and other clients we are asking that if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: Fever, Upper respiratory tract infection, Coughing or sneezing, that you contact us in advance, BY TEXT MESSAGE to this number so that the consultation can take place instead on the telephone, Facetime,Skype or Zoom. Many thanks for your understanding and support.

It is fortunate that our service provision need not be disadvantaged by this pandemic and can take advantage offered by enforced self-isolation.

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