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Welcome and Announcements from Pastor Kris

Call to Worship
Light a candle in the center of your gathering space as you bring the Light of Christ into your time of worship.  
Leader: Coming from places that have seen better days,
All: God bids us to celebrate this day, a day full of new possibilities.
L: Coming with our breath taken away by grief,
A: the Holy Spirit breathes new life within us, renewing our connection with God and with one another.
L: Coming to worship seeking a hope that will endure,
A: Christ unbinds the fetters that hold us in death, speaking in word and sacrament, and building community for holy service.
How Great Thou Art
In the Garden
This video includes lyrics, so join together in song!
Opening Prayer
God of life, present and promised, you are the One to whom we call: for you are the One who hears, and you are the One who acts,
bringing us new life with your grace and love and power. Lead us in our time of worship, that we may be prepared to follow your lead in places where life is at risk— places where hope seems far away, places where dreams die during sleep. When we leave these walls, help us live the teachings we proclaim within this place of worship, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

John 11:1-45
Consider reading the passage as a “script” and have different people read the words of the narrator, Mary, Martha, disciples, Jesus, Thomas, and Jews.
The Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
Discussion Questions:
What is the role of the community in this story?
Where do you see yourself in the story?
The Song of Mary and Martha

What a Friend We Have in Jesus
This video includes lyrics, so join together in song!
Prayers of the People
Please lift the names of the people, situations, and places for which we ask God’s grace to be known. Who may feel that they are in the midst of waiting on Jesus? Have the youngest person present pray.
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
This video includes lyrics, so join together in song!
Here I Am Lord
This video includes lyrics, so join together in song!
Amazing Grace     
In response to God’s amazing love for us, we give. Please CLICK HERE to make an online offering (make sure to put in Salisbury, Uwharrie, Kris Mares, and general offering). If you do not feel comfortable giving online, please consider mailing your offering to the church. In addition, please call someone in the Mount Tabor family (or in your own extended family) and talk about what your favorite hymn is!  
Sending Forth
Standing on the Promises
Blessed Assurance
This video includes lyrics, so join together in song!
Pass It On  
This video includes lyrics, so join together in song!
Leader: We are a people loved by God.
All: We will live as signs of this love.
L: We are a people blessed with hope.
A: We will live in light of this hope.
L: May the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the courage of the Spirit, strengthen our faith and set us loose to share God’s love with all.
A: Amen and amen!
Blow out your candle and be the Light of Christ in the world!
Today’s liturgical elements are from Ministry Matters.
Copyright © 2020 Mount Tabor United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.

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