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Hoping this finds you staying balanced, calm and healthy while safely tucked in at home. How are you doing? We’re all changing and evolving together, being transformed in all manners of obvious and subtle permutations. We see metamorphosis all the time…  caterpillars emerge into magnificent butterflies, snakes shed their skins that don’t fit anymore, miniscule seeds grow into giant redwoods, immense heat and pressure deep underground create brilliant diamonds. I’m happy you’re here. I’m hoping this transformation helps us all heal and strengthen and that we all find and share our own, unique superpowers. I’m hoping you enjoy these tips and tidbits from Ayurveda, Vedic Philosophy and Simple, Everyday Life.

With Love, Deborah

Agni literally translates as fire. The importance of Agni is unsurpassed and nearly indescribable. Ayurveda and all of the Vedic sciences position Agni at the pinnacle, especially digestive Agni, which is our power to metabolize and transform food, fluids and impressions into substances our bodies can convert into useable material.

Have you seen someone with a bright sparkle in her eyes? That’s Agni.
A radiant glow? That’s Agni.
Immense power of concentration and perception? That’s Agni.
Calm nerves and steady under pressure? That’s Agni.
Excellent digestion and elimination? That’s Agni.
Consider a burner on the stove. We want the flame to be just right in order to cook… not too high, not too low, but juuust right. Just like in the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears! We want our Agni to be steady and stable, burning at the right temperature and intensity (samagni). Too much agni (tikshnagni), too little agni (mandagni) or variable agni (vishamagni) can all cause imbalances in body, mind, emotions… and yes… Immunity.
And here comes a big one, and obvious by now … Stress weakens Agni … and weak  Agni weakens digestion, metabolism, elimination, mental balance and immunity. We want to keep Agni strong in order to nurture and protect ourselves. We all want a robust immune system and we want to strengthen ourselves from harmful pathogens. Let’s use our time at home to keep our digestion strong, our guts functioning well, and our prana flowing in all the best possible ways.


Simple Spice Tea to Increase Agni
4 cups water
¼  tsp Ginger
¼  tsp Turmeric
1/8  tsp Cinnamon
1/8 tsp Black Pepper
Simmer 15 minutes. Turn off heat and add 1 tsp tulsi leaves (or 1 tulsi teabag). Add a bit of sweetener if you like. Drink before meals or make a big batch and keep warm on the stove or slow cooker to sip throughout day.



With all of us spending so much time at home we may be sliding into the tendency to use the pantry and freezer way too much. Preparing for long sequestration had millions of us stocking up on packaged food, dense heavy food… dead food. You know by now that consuming these will weaken Agni and cause mental and physical sluggishness and toxicity.
Please use this time at home to cook with fresh foods teeming with vital nutrients and high prana. It’s easy. I’ve been preparing simple vegetable dishes every day. And instead of tossing away the trimmings and unused bits, I’ve put them all in a big stock pot for fresh, nutritious vegetable broth that I’m sipping throughout the day. I’ve always known about this but I just have not made fresh veggie stock on a regular basis before now… and it’s so easy!
Here is a link for farm fresh food pick up sites and delivery in your area:

There are tons of great, free recipes online, and here is a link to some Ayurvedic recipes from my revered teacher, Dr. Lad:



Observe your breath. How is your breath flowing? Breath flow indicates the vitality of body and mind. You cannot restore/maintain vitality until you balance the nervous system ~ specifically the autonomic nervous system. And the easiest way to balance the autonomic nervous system is to control your breath. Harmonize your breathing pattern. You know by now that I ALWAYS recommend Pranayama. So much in life is completely out of your control, but you always have the ability to control your breath. No matter what the circumstance, conscious control of your breathing will help balance your body, mind, and emotions. Practice mindfully controlling your breath in everything
you do: driving, cooking, writing, singing, running, thinking...
you get the picture!
I encourage everyone to develop a pranayama practice. It’s one of the most effective and easiest ways to increase pranic energy... opening pranic channels for immunity, vitality and longevity. You do not need any props or equipment, just you and your breath. If you’re feeling lazy or sleepy, no problem… you can sit right up in your bed, nice and comfy in your jammies and practice pranayama. Together, let’s sweep away the fogginess of sleep, clear our lungs and sinus passages, and start the day with an infusion of fresh prana, vital life force.

Let’s Do It!



Begins Monday, March 30
I invite you to join me live each weekday morning 
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Early Morning Gentle Pranayama

6:15 – 6:45 am Monday - Friday 
FREE through April
IG Live + Zoom

Join with Zoom:
Meeting ID: 562 448 582
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There is a direct and intimate relationship between the steadiness of your gaze and the steadiness and concentration your mind. Trataka means steady gazing… gazing at a point or object without blinking the eyes. Trataka is a very simple and powerful practice. The eyes and mind focus on one point,
allowing all distractions to fade.
Trataka strengthens eyesight, but most importantly this profound practice  balances and calms the autonomic nervous system, brings you into the present moment, purifies awareness and leads to meditation and higher consciousness.
Trataka is very easy to practice. All you need is a candle.
Place a candle on a table so that the flame is at eye level, one arm’s length away from you. Be comfortable with spine straight.
Gaze at the candle flame. Focus on the flame only. Relax and soften your eyes. Breathe slowly and deeply. Extend the time between blinks…. Eventually your gaze will become very steady and you will not blink at all.

After 2-3 minutes close your eyes and see the after-image of the flame inside your eyelids.
Sit with this until the after-image begins to fade.
Either sit in meditation or open your eyes for additional rounds of Trataka for as long as you have time.
Extend the duration of your practice a little bit each day.

Here's an article from the latest Voyage Phoenix Magazine!

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