St. John's Episcopal Church
8 Sunnyside Avenue Pleasantville, NY 10570 (914) 769-0053
Dear <<First Name>>,

Deacon Lynn writes:

Deacon Thinkin'

To be honest, I wrote the following Deacon Thinkin’ more than 10 years ago. Not one to try and reinvent the wheel, I have resurrected it from my files, tweaked it a bit and share it with you.

“Some people complain that God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses on thorns.” (Anonymous)

I believe there is more good than bad, more joy than sadness, more right than wrong, more love than hate, more kindness than apathy. I believe that even in the wake of disasters, natural or otherwise, God’s grace will prevail, compassion and hope will touch, heal and comfort the afflicted.

Just as God has put thorns on roses or roses on thorns – whatever – He has put you and me here for a reason as well. I admit there are times I look around at some folks and wonder what was He thinking? I sometimes look in the mirror and wonder what was He thinking?

Jeremiah didn’t think he would find the words. Moses didn’t think he could speak the words. Jonah didn’t want to have anything to do with those folks in Nineveh and refused to even talk to them, foolish man. He tried to run away from God and we all know how that worked out. He was tossed into the sea, swallowed by a whale, spit out and finally came to his senses.

I believe we are all subject to falling into the rut of complacency or follow the path of denial from time to time, believing that there is not much we can do to change the way things are. Then along comes a catastrophic event, something so horrific it is hard to imagine the pain and suffering that it brings. It is at these times, no, at THIS time, we discover that we do have a purpose. We understand that we are all connected and the reason we are here is to lift up, to support, to give, to comfort and to do whatever it takes or is needed to make a difference.

What we do may be to simply call someone, let them know you care, send a card, shop, leave a meal at the door, send games to the kids, help at the food pantry, deliver medications, pray and chat together on Zoom, FaceTime or Skype, walk the dog for a shut in, smile while keeping your distance, wave. Pray for the dying and those who care for them. Pray for those who work to keep us safe. Pray to be a blessing to someone each day.

I believe that the reason we are here is for us to show others that we love them enough that they will know that God cares.

We can all find a way to do that.

God’s peace,
Deacon Lynn

In case you missed yesterday's Morning Prayer service, it may be viewed here:
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Parish Administrator
Christopher T. Fasulo, Graphic Designer & Content Editor
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