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First Off...
"Wasting Time"

Yesterday, I binge-watched all seven episodes of "Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness” on Netflix.

If you haven't already seen Tiger King, I don't want to be the one who recommends it to you.

Netflix describes the series as “a jaw-dropping true tale of con artists, polygamy, rivalry and revenge.” After watching just four episodes, I'd have to agree with Netflix's description, but would add, "the series is a 314 minute train-wreck depicting the worst of human nature; it's so bad you won't be able to stop watching." Yet, as I write this, it has an 8.1/10 IMDB score and a perfect 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes... so clearly train-wrecks just make for great television.

I didn't start watching Tiger King because I particularly like the type of reality-show drama this documentary showcases (I don't) or because I like big cats (I don't really like any cats). I did it because social media has exploded with commentary about the show, and as a marketer, I think it's very important that I keep on top of pop culture.

At least, that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.

Because that self-justification is far better than admitting to myself that I wasted over five hours of my life trying to determine whether, if absolutely forced to choose, I was on Team Exotic or Team Baskin.

That's five hours I personally believe would have been much better spent reading a book and expanding my mind. Or playing chess with my two eldest children, an activity I very much enjoy. Or going on a very long walk and getting some much needed fresh air (and exercise) after spending two weeks social-distancing in my house. 

But instead, I chose to watch Tiger King.

"Wasting time" is relative.

The good news is that what other people think about how you spend your personal time is irrelevant; what matters is how you feel about how you spend your time. Which means it's perfectly okay if you choose to entertain yourself for a few hours on the couch with a show like Tiger King. You just shouldn't do that and then wonder why you never have the time to do the things you really want to do.

Life is about choices.

If you're not an essential worker and you're not able to work from home, you might find yourself with an unusual amount of "free time" these days.

Spend some time thinking about how you'll choose to use it.

- dp

PS. If you think I'm missing something about Tiger King, let me know here.
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"And you are...?"

My name is David Pullara, and I'm a senior business leader with a passion for strong brands and experience across multiple industries. Both my first and my most recent jobs were at start-ups, but in-between I spent 12 years in leadership roles at some of the world's most renowned, consumer-focused Fortune 500 organizations: Starbucks, Yum! Brands (Pizza Hut), Coca-Cola, and Google.

If your business needs an innovative thinker to help bring an idea to life or help solve a tough business challenge, let's chat.

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