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Dear Members and friends of LAS:
We hope you are all well and safe at home.
So much has changed in the world since our last newsletter, just 15 days ago. What are you thinking about these days? Perhaps you wonder if you or someone you care about will catch this nasty virus. Maybe you wonder how long will it be before life goes back to the way it was. A month? Two? Three?

We are fortunate in Canada to have a public health system with brilliant medical leadership, we are discovering, an economy with equally brilliant fiscal leadership, supported by provincial and federal politicians in their finest performances. They are telling us to wash our hands and stay home, so simple and so important. None of them predict when this will be over. Neither will we.

The LAS Board of Directors has not been sitting on our very clean hands since we closed on March 15. We have been considering what to do at every turn. It's hard to know. We want to exhibit art, but we want to obey the edicts, and keep everyone healthy. We don't want to open late nor too soon.

Yesterday, we would have taken in members' art for an exciting "No Limits" show. We would have celebrated all your creativity at this Friday's opening. Not to be. You still have your art, however, and we look forward to the day when we will see it and show it to the public. Ah, the public. When will they return to our doors, and will they have money to spend? We don't know that either.

The best we can do today is to make a two-month prediction: so today, we advise that we will remain closed for all of April and May. That is not a prediction that we will open in June: June may be visible in our crystal ball later in April.

Meanwhile, like many of you, we are taking advantage of this unexpected hiatus to consider some renovations, but we don't mean construction or applying a fresh coat of paint - those were done in February. We're going to take a good look at all our programs, the low number of members stepping up to lead them, our goals and objectives, and what our best options are in the near future and longer. Everyone is welcome to contribute your comments. Just hit Reply, and share your thoughts.
The gallery had to close mid-way through this show, but much of the students' art has been moved to the front windows for the pleasure of passers-by.
It's an online world these days, especially during these days of isolation. People are turning to music, art, literature, movies etc to keep themselves entertained and educated. 
LAS is online too. We have a Facebook page with 869 followers, growing every day, and also on Instagram.
This is a huge advantage for Members. It's all free, thanks to volunteers like Laura Goode and Jennifer Harrison on IG, and Jennifer and Jan Hull on FB.
We recently posted a hopeful message on Facebook, and an impromptu art show started up, with postings by members, friends, and kids' fridge art! Check it out! Join in! Just one or two pieces each, please.
If there's good response to this, we may explore other virtual exhibits. 
If you're on Facebook but haven't Liked our page, please do it now. Share our posts. This helps keep us in front of our admirers, so they won't forget us when the good times come back.
Our crystal ball doesn't know what will happen in July.
Will tourists come back - with money to spend on art? Will we be able to recruit the 50 volunteers in May and June?
Will artists and buyers be comfortable and safe milling about?
We have delayed accepting Artist Registrations from April 1 to May 1.
We will continue to consult the crystal ball - and the experts.
Send one recent photo of your studio or work-space or work-in-progress...
...and one photo of you, working at your easel or grindstone or camera.
Submit your 2 photos by April 12 to

Then watch for the April 15 issue
of this News & Updates.
We'll have a great tour!

Members: we need your support as much now as when we're open and selling your art - maybe more.
The $40 Membership fee is a big help for our bottom line, especially when we can't make sales.
Membership form is on our website. Print it, fill it out, and mail it with your cheque, or email it and e-transfer your payment.
All instructions are on the form.
We were saddened to learn recently that longtime LAS member and former President,
Ann Hebb, died on February 14, 2020.
Her interest in and support of the Society was a source of strength to us.
A donation sent in her memory was how we were made aware of her passing.
Her obituary may be viewed here.
Don't forget to take a selfie and join our Virtual Studio Tour!
Next issue of LAS News & Updates April 15.
Copyright © 2020 Lunenburg Art Gallery Society, All rights reserved.

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