Koviashuvik Programing, Covid-19, and The Local Living Video Project: 

At this time all spring programing is cancelled at least through May.   To help families who find themselves home-bound, we are working on a video project of seasonal activities, skills, and lessons.   The videos will follow the season, working with different foods, medicines, fibers, and crafts as they come into the cycle.   See more about the video project below.

The following letter is about the Local Living Video Project to support families getting outside and working with the earth.  Find the videos on Koviashuvik's Facebook page or check out "Local Living Video Project" on YouTube

Dear Friends,
First of all, we extend our hearts to you in whatever hardship and struggle the pandemic has brought, peace and health be with you.  As the world around us is reshaped by the presence of Covid-19 we at Koviashuvik have been asking ourselves how to be most of service during this crisis.  We know that all of you with children find yourselves home with your kids everyday, all day, and no prospect of playdates or trips to the library in sight!   As outdoor educators we realized that one thing that would help many families at this moment in time would be to share activities and skills that get us outside, connecting with, and learning from, the living earth.  We are creating a series of short videos that will do just that!
While we all struggle to make sense of the new normal, the earth is going about her glorious transition from winter to spring.  Today the sap is flowing in the Maples, two weeks from now pure sap water will be flowing from the birch.  Around that time the first coltsfoot flowers will bloom and we can gather them and add their tasty mineral goodness to salads.  We have heard geese overhead and the basswood buds are swelling, offering a tasty nibble.  There are twigs in the forest to be gathered, fires to be made and adventures had cooking apples and bread on a stick.  If you live in oak country, last fall’s abundance of acorn is likely still on the ground and ready for a spring harvesting and the engaging work of transforming bitter acorn into sweet pancakes.

We hope that the videos are useful right now, in this moment that we need activities to do with our children.  We also recognize that their value extends beyond crisis mitigation.   The skills are a means to food, medicine, fiber, and the joy and pride that come from practices of self-reliance.   In sum, these films represent one small facet of the great turning that is so needed to bring the human community back into alignment with the earth community.
We hope you enjoy the videos, please use them as a catalyst and a means to your earth-based adventures, not as end.   Feel free to share them, and please, give us a call, send an email, ask questions, and share your experiences.
In solidarity with you and all those envisioning a more beautiful world,
The Knapp Family.

As for our regular summer programing, we will reassess as the situation progresses.  Of course we look forward to the day when we will be working with kids and families again, cooking in the outdoor kitchen, sharing stories and food, crafting and cultivating a stronger relationship with this beautiful planet.

Though we are deeply saddened by the suffering and losses in our communities, we also recognize that this moment provides unique opportunities for growth and redirection.  This situation offers us a very concrete reason to stay home and strengthen our sense of place and community.  The moment also lays bare the inequities and instabilities of our system and could propel us toward more localized, self-organizing, self-sufficient, just and resilient communities.   Indeed, we already see this happening. At the same time that our world is facing incredible upheaval, fear and sorrow, there has also been an awe-inspiring groundswell of effort, ideas, sharing, and generosity.

Please consider Koviashuvik a resource if you have homesteading-related questions: food growing and preserving, craft projects, plant ID or whatever you are working on.  We definitely don’t have all the answers, but are happy to help if we can!  Email or call 207-778-0318
Other Great Resources:

The Maine Environmental Education Association (For educational resources and activities)
The Resiliency Hub (for networking and learning from like-minded folk in Southern Maine)
The Permaculture Podcast with Scott Mann (For comprehensive five-star education on subjects related to permaculture, resiliency, regenerative practices etc.)
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