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Logo of a rising rainbow sun with the rays in various Pride flag colors above text saying Arlington, MA LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Commission

Rainbow Commission - Virtual Hangout

We may need to socially distance physically, but you can still join us for some close-up virtual socializing. Meet others in the community and feel free to share helpful suggestions on how to stay healthy and positive in these challenging times.

Join us at 7:30 pm on Thursday, April 2nd using this link:

Meeting ID: 732 091 4607
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,7320914607# US (New York)
+13126266799,,7320914607# US (Chicago)

It'll be an open forum, but let's keep it positive. Share tips on working from home, favorite games, tv shows and movies you recommend, or anything else that's on your mind. Video is not required, but encouraged if you're able to. It helps us feel more connected. We'll stick around beyond the planned 30 minutes, as long as the conversations continue to flow.

Community Support

We understand how trying these times are. We need community more than ever to support each other. We've created this form for anyone who needs help with getting groceries or prescriptions, running errands, or other things, as well as anyone who's willing to help those in need with these types of efforts. Please sign up to give or receive help and we'll make our best efforts to match people up.

We also would like to solicit your ideas, in this form, on how we can engage our community in virtual ways, such as hosting hangouts, like the event above. We'd love to hear from you on how we can help the community stay engaged and reduce feelings of isolation. We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Assistance programs in Arlington

If you are in Arlington and need help making ends meet, please see the Town's website for information regarding the Food Pantry, affordable housing, fuel assistance, sports and activities assistance, and other programs.

Copyright © 2020 Arlington MA Rainbow Commission, All rights reserved.

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