" ... walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Eph. 4:1b-3
My sister moves at one speed—slow. And if you try to hurry her along, she slows down even more. It was true when we were kids, and it's even more true now that she's 42. One of my favorite pictures from our family trip to Disney World when Syble and I were preteens is of her walking ten feet behind the rest of the family.

I like to be quick and efficient in everything I do. I often focus so much on tasks I forget to slow down enough to pay attention to the people involved. That's why this passage speaks so clearly to my heart. It reminds me of what my goals should be with Syble and with everyone I encounter—humility, gentleness, patience, and love. That means slowing down to match her speed. It means speaking with gentleness. It means putting her need to be valued above my need to be 5 minutes early.

James is the opposite of Syble, moving at super speed. But he still requires humility, gentleness, patience, and love. David especially has to remember James's limitations and adjust to meet them. The picture below is one of my favorites. It was supposed to be David's birthday photoshoot, but James had done one on this same wall just a few weeks before, so he tried to get in place for his picture as well. David's posture doesn't show that he's bearing with his brother in love, but he has grown in this quality over the years, and I'm praying the Holy Spirit continues to work in his heart (and mine) to grow us even more. 
<<First Name>>, join me in prayer today as we ask God to help our kids bear with one another in love.

Father, as we read through the Gospels we see so many examples of Christ bearing with others in love. He showed humility, gentleness, patience, and love. Help  _____ to follow His example and exhibit these qualities with the help of the Holy Spirit. We know all siblings have challenges bearing with one another in love, but our children often have to show even more patience than their friends do with their siblings. Give them strength and help me to be an example in this area. In Jesus's name we pray, amen.  
With Your Child:
Children and young teens can often feel like they are constantly having to make accommodations for their siblings with special needs. When it's appropriate, remind your typical child of the ways your family makes accommodations for him/her as well. It can help kids who struggle with a sense of fairness to be more aware of the times they are shown humility, gentleness, patience, and love. 

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