
Town and Country Gardens understand these are challenging and rapidly evolving times. We remain committed to providing the services you expect from us. We are still open and trading and will do so whilst remaining safe and responsible, and complying with Government regulations. Our trading hours are 9am – 5pm, seven days a week – although we may need to adjust these times in the future.

Please feel free to call the nursery on 9822 3305 or 0414 753 883 and we can pick out stock for you and arrange payment over the phone. You can either come in-store and collect, call us for kerbside pickup or we can deliver it to your house (local delivery has been reduced to $10 flat rate).

If you choose to come in-store, we have implemented new hygiene and social distancing practices to ensure adequate spacing to limit the number of customers and staff at the counter.

We are still receiving deliveries from our growers but some lines are selling out fast. If you have special requests, please call the nursery and we can hold stock for you.


Gardening is such a great tonic, both mentally and physically and our gardens will become our sanctuaries even more than they are already. We can help you create that little sanctuary, one that will lift your spirits if you happen to find yourself in social isolation or feeling anxious.

Our horticultural services team can help you with designing your space, setting up a veggie patch, preparing garden beds, or jobs like pruning and hedging. We will do this while respecting social distancing and observing careful hygiene. 

If you want to do it yourself, we are happy to deliver your needs to your door. Whether it’s potting mix or a punnet of strawberries, call us on 9822 3305 and we'll get it out to you.

With kids at home from school, the garden may be your saviour. If you have a space outside, give your kids a dedicated patch and watch nature inspire them. Some ideas include:
  • Start a study of the insects that live in your garden. Download our friendly insect colouring sheet (below) and see how many you can spot.
  • Grow some winter colour. Pansies and violas are great flowers for kids to grow and it's the perfect time to plant them. They are hardy and full of cheer.
  • Plant some seasonal veggies. Things like spinach, lettuce, silverbeet and asian greens are easy to grow and fast to harvest.
  • Try growing seeds. It's so exciting when your seeds germinate and pop up from the soil. 
Anyone with kids can tell that they really benefit from time spent outside, but if you needed proof, a study from Denmark in 2019 showed that kids that grow up with access to green spaces end up with 55% less risk of mental health issues. (ScienceDaily) 

Town and Country Gardens is a family owned small business with 12 employees and we are extremely grateful that we are able to continue trading in these trying times. Thank you for your ongoing support and custom.

Stay safe and stay green.

Copyright © 2020 Town and Country Gardens, All rights reserved.

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