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Dear supporters,

We live in challenging times and we know many of you are likely to be struggling with the impact of self-isolation, social distancing, fear of losing a job, not having enough food to eat or losing loved ones.

Lives have changed drastically overnight
The women and young people we have worked with have also seen their lives change drastically. Many women have seen their income all but disappear overnight with no alternative means of income, accessing food or medication. Even if their health allows them to work, many will find it hard to find alternative employment due to criminal records, lack of formal education or the stigma attached to being a sex worker - even more so now that the economy is in crisis. Some women are particularly vulnerable due to underlying health conditions. Many street and indoor sex workers are already socially isolated due to the stigma around sex work and are now even more isolated. Some who are in coercive and violent relationships have no means to escape the violence and abuse, while mental health issues become an even greater concern as face-to-face contact and outdoor life is so restricted.

Young people who are sexually exploited are without the opportunity to regularly meet the one person they trusted to talk to in person about their traumatic experiences, someone to help them overcome their experience; or simply someone to do something fun with to distract them from their situation. Many adult women we support with overcoming experiences of exploitation and abuse will experience similar isolation.

Services are being transformed in response
Over the past week, the Basis team have worked harder than ever before to change the way we work so that we can meet our service users' increasing need for emotional and practical support, as other agencies have largely closed their services, as well as their additional needs for support during self-isolation; all while working largely remotely. After receiving some canvases and paints this week, one woman said: “my anxiety is so bad about all this, I feel like I’m having a breakdown, but painting makes me feel better”.

We have had to make the tough decision to limit some of our services for fear of contributing to the further spread of COVID 19 among our staff, volunteers and service users, many of whom are already in poor health. Equally, we are working tirelessly to ensure the needs of women sex workers, women who have experienced exploitation and young people remain safe and well as services are reconfigured in response to COVID 19.

Support has been amazing so far, but...
We are incredibly fortunate to have already received donations of food parcels, masks, gloves and even a freezer, as well as generous financial donations alongside our regular donors. However, this situation is likely to continue for a lot longer, our costs are likely to continue increasing as more people need our support. At the same time, our income is reduced from events like the Leeds Tri and the training we deliver being cancelled.

As supporters we would like to ask you to help us through this; you can do this in a number of ways:

  • Donate in kind (please contact office before delivery; we can arrange pick up with notice)
  • Donate off our Amazon wishlist.
  • Make a one–off financial donation or become a regular donor via our JustGiving account.

Every small donation helps. If you are unable to support financially, please consider helping by simply sharing our messages.

Thank you on behalf of all the women and young people we support,

Basis Yorkshire

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