St. Michael's House E-zine. Thank you #Covid-19 
Liz Reynolds, St.Michael's House , CEO 

As we move towards the end of another week of Covid-19. I wish to sincerely  thank all our St. Michael's House staff teams during this National Emergency  #Covid-19 Crisis.

Thank you to our staff teams on the frontline for working together to support residential services. We are very proud of our Day services teams who have moved to support existing services where possible.  I applaud the frontline teams for working together with service users and families during this difficult and often emotional time. The staff are an inspiration to their own families, friends and community.

I would also like to acknowledge the back office support teams who have gone into offices with rostered skeleton staff teams, due to social distancing guidelines and kept the wheels turning to date. These support services have made it  all possible to keep essential services working each day. The landscape keeps changing and we continue to adjust accordingly.

I would like to thank the St. Michael's House families who are very understanding and supportive of staff teams on the frontline. I acknowledge that it is not easy for families to comprehend the changes of services to their family members. We are working with service users and families on a case by case basis and we will continue to keep families informed.

I also wish to acknowledge the Executive Management Team who are working relentless hours to plan and manage contingency plans as the #Covid-19 National crisis unfolds . We continue to work with Public Health and the Health Service Executive (HSE).

A thank you to our community partners and friends whom have offered support of food, time and supplies . We salute your community kindness and appreciate your commitment to St. Michael's House services.

The sense of community and togetherness is extremely admirable from every friend of St. Michael's House. Be assured, we are working together and doing all we can to continue to support our services to the children, young persons, adults and their families who use the service.

Stay safe.
Liz Reynolds

  Anthony Staines- St. Michael's House Chairperson

These are unique times and uniquely challenging times. The last occasion when Ireland had a similar major pandemic was in 1957, well before the memory of most of us. These times have called for extraordinary actions, and I appreciate very well, the burden this places on all of you, on our service users, and on their families.

The Board members fully support the Management team on their continual work on business continuity plans, reconfiguration plans, and remodelling service plans, in this time of crisis.

Our aim is to preserve our vision, our mission, and our values in these hard times. We are all working, as are you, to ensure that our service users and their families are valued and protected at this unprecedented time in Ireland. Service to these vulnerable groups is our priority and strategic plans are being developed to protect these services. Later this year, when the initial crisis has died down, we will look, with all of you, at some longer-term responses to what has happened. We believe we can learn a lot from our current experiences to improve the lives of service users, and their families.

I’d like to send a very sincere thank you from the St. Michael's House Board members to each and every staff member. Thank you to all the service users, staff and family members for their cooperation and understanding at this uncertain time . There is a huge sense of gratitude from our team and we wish you all safe.

Anthony Staines,
Professor of Health Systems, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy, and Community Health,
Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland.

Thank you to the Nationwide support from  communities applauding our Healthcare workers  on March 27th .

Clapping and cheering could be heard in every Neighbourhood. 

The St. Michael's House teams appreciated the kindness and goodwill comments on and off line. 

Every clap was appreciated by our services . 
Videos and Images are on our social media platforms. 
View our website  for St. Michael's House work during Covid-19 Crisis 
There are links and supports for Children, Young Persons and Families 
Links to support Adults and Families 
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