Dear << Test First Name >>

Welcome to our Newsletter Express which aims to share news and advice with you as it happens when necessary.

Thank you so much for continuing to share your great ideas on how to keep learning, active and connected with each other.   We are all working hard at national office to come up with innovative ways to keep  in touch and active through these uncertain times.

We will be contacting U3As to find out how they are managing and any support they need with getting online.

Thank you for your support, your wonderful ideas and stories. Together you are all the Great U3A.

very best wishes
Sam Mauger
Chief Executive
In this express issue...

U3A Community
Quick LInks and How to Guides
Press Release Pro forma
U3A Community
These are unprecedented times for everyone including the U3A community.  Our U3As, the wider membership, our Board of Trustees and the staff at National Office are all facing major changes to how we live and conduct ourselves.
Here at the national U3A we are doing everything we can to support the U3A community. We are devising adapted learning methods, expanding our online offerings and creating additional ways of communicating with U3As and the wider membership. 

For those who do not have access to the website we are looking at how we may reach out to them both through supporting networks in their own U3A and directly. 
Although we are now all working remotely, we are still providing a full service. Our phone lines are open and have never been busier.  

Our team, in addition to our usual duties, have significantly increased our written and telephone communications:

• We have increased the number of mailings          
• Our Newsletters are being used as a more in depth means of communication, we would encourage members to register for this:
• We have introduced a regular Newsletter Express.
• Our new Facebook page see button below now has more than 1,400 followers.

• There is support and advice on our website including on how to keep active, keep learning and keep connected with each other.
• U3A has launched a UK-wide Diary Project - where members are encouraged to diarise their experience of these times.  You can see more on our website or contact us
• Our insurers continue to provide cover for all members liabilities as well as providing cover for all trustees/committee members.
• Our legal advisers continue to support our responses to members especially in connection with cancelled trips and holidays.
• Third Age Matters magazine (TAM) is being distributed as normal in a week or so.
• IT support continues uninterrupted including security protection for U3A websites and Beacon.
• National U3A  has expanded its direct contact with the membership.

Please keep sending your ideas and experiences of ways you are keeping connected with each other during this time - please contact either by phone at 0208 4666139 or by email
Join U3A Keep In Touch Closed Facebook

Keep In Touch

The U3A National Advice line is open and as busy as ever.

Even though we are working remotely in these unprecedented times, our front line staff and volunteers continue to respond to more than 2,000 calls a month.

These include a wide range of issues from how to run a U3A at this time to more general concerns on keeping connected.

U3A Advice worker Jayne said “People are calling us not only to talk through ways of how best to run a committee meeting remotely, or manage the suspension of their AGMs but on wider issues surrounding social distancing and isolation. Our members are amazing, they are so active and engaged. We are really pleased to be able to keep everyone connected. We look forward to speaking to our many callers – wherever and whoever you are – so please keep phoning us!”
Quick Links and How to Guides

National office has produced a set of How to Guides on how to use digital platforms like Zoom.  You can find them on our website here
The national website also has a quick links which are helpful for the latest advice on coronavirus and has quick links on how to Stay In Touch during these times.

U3A in the Media

During this uncertain time, U3As and their members have continued to look at ways to stay active and continue to raise their profile.  This is important because there could be Third Agers in your local communities who may find this time quite isolating and may benefit from being a member of U3A but have not heard of us. 

The advice below is to support you to keep connected with your local media and radio.
Media Brief

Research various media outlets around your community. That could be free news sheets, social media, local radio or local press.  Local micro press is becoming more popular such as a free magazine delivered to a particular postcode area.  Make contact, introduce yourself and show the importance of staying positive and connecting with other older adults particularly during these uncertain times.

These may include:
  • The innovative ways you are staying connected with each other
  • The new initiatives you are taking part in remotely
  • The way your U3A is embracing new technologies or/and social media

You can find your local contacts by Google and by searching social media.  We are always here to help so do get in touch with national office communications and we will help identify your local contacts.  Please email us at

Press Release
Below is a pro-forma press release that you can localise and send to your local media to make an initial contact.  Please press the button below
Press Release Pro Forma - Learn, laugh, live
To U3A Secretaries - Please Take Part in our Survey 

Please can U3A Committee Secretaries look out for a Survey being emailed to them in the next few days to take part on behalf of their U3A - letting us know how their U3A is doing at this time and whether you are currently closed or open.  This will help us to direct members of the public to the right place if they wish to join during these times and help us support any U3As who may have had to suspend all activity.

Thanks so much 😊
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The Third Age Trust • Registered Charity 288007 • Registered Company 01759471