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Dear <<First Name>>,

Below you will find  . . .
  • Advice for protecting your online worship from mischief,
  • Advice for protecting your groceries and take-out from pathogens,
  • Other news from Friends in the West and beyond, and
  • A note of encouragement from a Friend from Nepal.
Let us keep seeing what love can do!
– Mary
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My Small Mind Understands

I am Pradip Kumar Lamichhane, 35 years old, living in the countryside of Kathmandu, Nepal, with my wife, five years old son, father, mother, and Grandmother. . .

I am happy as I am. I will try to make a difference from where I am . . .  I am happy to be able to feed my old parents. I am happy to play with my son. . .

I will do whatever I can till the end of my life to bring peace and joy to impoverished places.

This has been a tough job and made my head heavy. I don’t understand very well at all about theology, but this my small mind understands: that God loves everybody and he wants to us to give saltiness and shine to the world.

I do not understand clearly about trinity, but I know God is with me.

I do not understand clearly about heaven and hell, but I know God is with me.

I do not understand clearly what is sin, but I know God is full of mercy.

I do not understand clearly about salt, but I know I have to be salty.

I do not understand clearly about light, but I know I should shine...

I do not understand clearly about different types of Friends, but I know they are all my Friends. . .

Hakuna matata means “no worries.” Let us pray together.
– Excerpted from a plenary speech given at the 2002 World Conference of Friends in Kenya
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