Our flagship research studies have been working hard to ensure the health and safety of our teams and research participants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our research leads share an update from their studies and how they are adapting within these uncertain times.
Today we remember Cesar Chavez, labor leader, community organizer, Latino civil rights activist and co-founder of the United Farm Workers Association. Thank you for inspiring generations of social justice leaders. “Sí se puede!” Learn about the current struggles of farmworkers that take risks each day to ensure we have food on our tables during COVID here.
It's important to elevate Black Mamas voices and perspectives around issues that impact them. Black Mamas are best situated to solve the challenges in their communities. Join the Black Mamas Matter Alliance to amplify effective maternal health policies and solutions for Black Mamas as part of the 3rd Annual Black Maternal Health Week, April 11-17. #BMHW20
Please note our April Collaboratory has been postponed until further notice.
COVID-19 Resources
The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted every facet of our lives, but there are services available to help us cope. Our public awareness campaign, Voices for Birth Justice, has worked with their communities to gather a working list of resources to help pregnant persons and their families manage during this challenging time.