Adrian's personal mailing list
Edition 0.007
carriage bolt

Oh, hey. Don’t mind me, I am just in the basement organizing the screws that have accumulated in my junk drawer.

rounded phillips wood screw

It’s an oddly therapeutic activity. You take something that is practically worthless and look at it closely. As you debate whether to save the screw or drop it in the trash, you try to imagine a future where this tool will be exactly what you need. As you work, little stories appear in your mind. For example...

flat slotted machine screw

Whose angry hammer bent this steel? What brush kissed these grooves with blue paint? How many years of neglect caused these rusty edges? Whose knuckles bled after flesh grated against these tiny teeth? How many concerned sons and daughters have feared a father’s rage after his ego was utterly defeated by this stripped notch? 

thread cutting machine screw

Stare at a screw long enough and you might see a reflection. Perhaps you will see a staircase, an ascending spiral, the arc of your career climbing higher and higher. Or are you sliding down? It's hard to remember which way this world is rotating sometimes. 

hex self drilling sheet metal screw

If you are like me, you may feel guilty doing trivial tasks as you wait out the quarantine. It feels like we should be doing more to contribute to the solution. Isn’t there a more creative way to help save the world?

torx countersunk wood screw

We tend to confuse creativity with something it’s not, as an enormous endeavor undertaken by heroes. We imagine epic encounters with blank canvases and tortured eccentric personalities. We forget how different our own experience with creativity has been. Most of our best ideas find us in the quiet moments. Inspiration strikes us in the shower, during long walks, over a cup of tea, or while cleaning out the junk drawer. 

slotted button wood screw

An unexpected benefit of the quarantine is that it has gifted many of us with two of the four ingredients of creativity: time and space. When double-booked calendars have become the norm, it may feel odd to embrace empty time and space. But creativity is in short supply, and inspiration appears in moments exactly like this. I hope it finds you this week.

combo pan machine screw

That was my last screw. On to the next odd job. I’ll write again next Sunday. Stay creative.

Your friend,

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