Dear BAHT Members,
We, the committee want to extend our thanks to every one of you that are continuing to work so hard during the present climate which for some is in a completely different capacity than normal due to COVID 19. We want to reiterate that we, as BAHT are still here even though we are all working clinically alongside you. Please remember that we are a large community spread both Nationally and Internationally all having to deal with the same issues being raised by Covid 19 so please reach out if you need help, advice or just want to talk to another therapist about the new roles that you are needing to fulfil.
As we are all trying to adapt to the current crisis we are all developing different ways of working and we can help each other. Don’t forget to use of the Forum so members can discuss with each other how they are managing. As staff redeployments occur we may find many therapists left isolated and the forum is a great opportunity to discuss many things away from the public eye. We have started a thread for discussion so please join in.
At this time we wish to direct members to online resources that you may find helpful
-> "Hand Therapy" App designed by Chelsea and Westminster and available free on the App Store. This app has many clear and easy to follow exercise videos for patients. It also contains advice on sensory re-education, scar management, changing of mallet splints, oedema management, taping for many conditions. It is a great resource
--> Rehab Minder and Track Active are offering 90 days free use of the software for exercise prescription.

* Best practice advice for online and phone consultations:
There are a number of good webinars on this at present and Facebook groups. Good examples are:
* Oxford University have release a best practice guide for Video Consultations and you can find this in our members section of the website.
* For Physiotherapists concerned regarding redeployment to respiratory areas, please take a look at this really useful video from The Physio Matters Podcast with consultant Physiotherapist Rachael Moses
At present our conference is still going ahead and the planning continues. We are looking at contingency plans as to how we can run things differently if the need arises and you will be kept up to date if anything changes. Many conferences this year are likely to be cancelled and significantly impact the level of CPD that is available to you and we are working hard to develop new ways of delivering content so that we can assist with this. We will also be looking at rolling over any unused bursaries so that more people can access funding when courses start to run again.
We are SO proud of the work all of the hand therapists are doing both in their own area of expertise and those that are working in other areas within the NHS to combat Covid 19, please say safe and look after each other.
Kind Regards
Hayley and all of the BAHT Committee