
Helpful Guidance During This Time

As I'm sure you are all also educating yourself on this
current global health situation, I hope that you are all also
making the very best decisions to ensure your continued
health and to ensure that the health of your loved ones
is not compromised.


As the Coronavirus will continue to be a focus for us all
in the weeks and months ahead, I encourage you to
make social distancing a priority; to be proactive and
kind as you care for yourself and your loved ones.

While this is not something pleasant to speak of

please self-isolate if you have flu-like symptoms
or have a positive test result for the virus.

Equally important throughout this time is
your mental and emotional well being. 

I have prepared a series of blog posts, podcast
and life coaching episodes;
and videos to offer you helpful guidance,
calm, and words to evoke a higher state of

I hope that you will continue to use this time for self-reflection,
for remaining positive, for being grateful of all of the
good in your life; and for considering how you may approach
and live differently;
now and long after this health crisis has passed.


Please know that I have extended my hours
to be able to continue to provide support and help
via phone and video calls.


I do hope
that you will continue to be safe and healthy,
and to exercise caution and the best possible practices
in this global health situation.

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Something for YOU...

AURA: #1 Mindfulness App is offering 
their Premium service FREE for three months.
Take advantage of this offer here:

To redeem:
1. Head to:
2. Create an account
3. Enter code FINDPEACE2020

*Please note that I receive no compensation
for sharing this three month free trial  💜

If you live with fear in your life or if this
current health crisis has exacerbated your fear,
please listen to this Bonus Episode of the WISDOM podcast
as it offers tools and best practices for
how to 
alleviate all fear.

The Psychology of Alleviating Fear:
The COVID-19 Crisis

In This BONUS Episode:

* The Three Best Practices for Alleviating Fear
Specific to the Coronavirus
* What Does it Mean to 'Flatten the Curve'
and How Can You Best Do This?
* Why NOW is The Best Time to Re-Examine
Your Health Care Practices
* What You Can Do To Improve Your Immune System
* A Cognitive Therapy Best Practice for Alleviating Fear
* How to Best Protect Yourself From COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
* Self-Awareness Tools for Alleviating Fear
* What Three Tendencies Predispose You to Fear?
(Building these makes you more courageous
and less fearful).


An Important Message
For All Families
During COVID-19:
Use This Time To

Reconnect and Love

In This BONUS Episode:

As you are together with your family at home,
how can you consider this time as one of
immense blessing?

How do you raise your level of consciousness
by first being aware – mindful –
of your family dynamics?

Are you interacting in harmony?

Is there a sense of ease and enjoyment when you
are all together and in the present moment,
for whatever activities and dialogue is occurring;
and even as each member of the family
may be enjoying different things.

Are you co-existing with enjoyment of one another?


If not, what can you do to practice acceptance,
inclusivity, and connection?

In this episode, I share the 3 Questions
that will help you become closer
as a family;
to engage in meaningful dialogue,
and to learn more about one another
as you deepen connection,
feelings of closeness, and love. 💜


"Because right now you may be experiencing waves of difficult emotion."

{ Wisdom Archives #041  | Duration = 27 minutes }

Relief of Depression 

In some moments, all that is needed is to shift your mind’s focus;
to notice what thoughts may be holding you back
and adjusting these so that you can find your path once again.

Here in this mindfulness meditation,
you learn how to shift your mood state and to
alleviate the symptoms of depression.  Namaste!! xo

Mindfulness is a practice of pure observation
in the absence of judgment.
"To calm and soothe yourself and your loved ones."

{ Wisdom Archives #041  | Duration = 14 minutes }

Calming Breath 
for Releasing Anxiety 

Calm your body and mind with a deliberate focus
unto your breath and a word mantra
that depicts for you what comfort
and inspired meaning will be most soothing.

Enjoy the experience of connecting with your
heart centre (and your heart chakra)
in this very special meditation for releasing anxiety,
fear, panic,
and other
uncomfortable states of being.
Namaste!! xo

Mindfulness of breath leads you inside yourself.
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Get Instant Access to 40+ Free Guided Meditations 

Explore the Wisdom Archives

40+ free guided meditations

for being love, for stress relief,
for self-esteem, for manifesting...

Amidst our device-driven,
social media saturated,
information overloaded-days
we all need some soul refuelling.

This is a quiet space,
whether you have
a few minutes or a few hours -
Take a break,
catch your breath
( and some feel-good vibes. )

Take 5 Minutes to Unwind. Find Your Inner Calm.

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A Little 'Sunday' Love for you...

Catch up on what you missed...

Look out for The WISDOM podcast
Season TWO TRAILER....coming soon!


The Wisdom Podcast @ 
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+ a few more gifts for you

As part of the ongoing mission to support
the happiness, wellness and whole being healing
of our community; we have assembled
an array of valuable things for you:

Boost Your Manifesting Mojo
*subscriber exclusive*
Get a free discovery session with Dorothy

Click Here:
Take Your Meditation Practice ...further

Learn to Apply

The 10 Sacred Habits Of Meditation

for cultivating greater focus,
connection and happiness
in your everyday life.

Increase Your Peace in 12 Minutes a Day!
free audio series to unlock
Your Power, Potential, and Purpose.


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