
Lutz Preparatory School Weekly Reminders: Monday, March 23, 2020

Hillsborough County Schools is experiencing issues this morning with the high volume of students, parents, and teachers logging on at once.  Please try and log in later this morning or afternoon. 

Today starts a new chapter in public education not only at Lutz Preparatory but across our entire state. There is a huge learning curve that students and teachers will be navigating together and our goal it to improve the process every single day. Our Lutz Preparatory teachers and administration have been working diligently over spring break to plan lessons and set up virtual options for learning so that we can begin this eLearning journey together today. 

While we are transitioning from the classroom to online eLearning, it is not to a point where parents are expected to take on a full homeschool initiative. Homeschooling is where you, as a parent, would have to develop lesson plans and assignments for your child. This is not the case in Lutz Preparatory School. Our excellent, professional teachers will continue to develop all engaging assignments and lessons, as well as provide feedback and support to every student using the online learning tools

The #1 goal of the entire staff at Lutz Preparatory School is our students and their success.  As always, we thank you for your support and partnership towards reaching our goal.


Leader in Me:  March Habit of the Month
Tip of the Week:  I can show gratitude/kindness to others.
Sharpen the Saw:  I eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep (body).  I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school (brains).  I spend time with family and friends (heart).  I take time to find meaningful ways to help people (soul).  I balance all four parts of myself.  
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