In-Person Toll Payment Temporarily Suspended
The Mobility Authority is closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and doing our part to help slow the spread of coronavirus, beginning with a temporary closure of our in-person customer service centers. Effective close of business March 18, both the RMA Toll Center at 14050 Summit Drive and all TxTag Customer Service Centers are closed until further notice.

Online and Phone-based Customer Service Continues
Customer service and bill payment options remain available online at and by phone at (833) 762-8655. Customers may experience longer than normal wait times to speak to a customer service representative due to the increased phone demand. We are striving to keep our call and response times as short as possible for our valued customers, while following the guidance from the CDC and WHO and taking the necessary precautions to protect the health and safety of our employees and customers. We appreciate your patience as we work to navigate this unprecedented global public health crisis.
Live Stream Our March 25 Board Meeting
We are encouraging our partners and the general public to participate in social distancing and live stream the March 25 Board of Directors meeting.
Practice Social Distancing
Our agency’s mission is to deliver greater mobility for Central Texans, and our efforts continue even during this uncertain time. In fact, it’s more important than ever that during a global health crisis we have access to infrastructure that preserves and maintains our collective quality of life and safety. As we forge ahead with our mission, we’re leveraging technology to stay connected to co-workers, partners and the public, while following the guidance to practice social distancing.
Tailoring Public Engagement Tactics to Current Constraints
Robust engagement with the communities we serve is the foundation upon which we build meaningful mobility solutions. We make it a priority to incorporate community input into our projects at all stages of development, from the early stages of feasibility and environmental, though construction, and long after a new road is open to traffic. It’s part of our commitment to ensuring that the infrastructure we develop meets the needs and expectations of the community in a way that respects local values and historic and aesthetics preferences—all while delivering on the need for greater mobility.
We remain committed to meaningful public engagement even during this pandemic. However, we recognize that our community engagement tactics will need to be adjusted to meet the constraints of this uncertain time. In that vein, we’ll be introducing even more innovative virtual and online experiences that deliver the information you need while soliciting the input we need back from you. We look forward to working collaboratively with all of you in a way that preserves public health and well-being. Here’s how you can continue to engage with us and stay up to date on all our projects:
- Visit our website
- Reach us by phone: (512) 996-9778
- Contact us via email
- Follow us on Twitter, connect with us on LinkedIn and Facebook
- For 183 South Project Information, visit our website, follow us on Twitter, contact us via email, or call our 24/7 bilingual hotline at (512) 640-0040
- For information on our 290/130 Flyovers project, visit our website.
- Visit our projects page for information on our other projects under development.