Hello Master <<First Name>>,
Master of what?

Master of your life.

And just by being that, authentic as you are,
you inspire yourself and others,
and lead everyone into deeper and wider authenticity and mastery.

So thank you so much for this light,
It's highly needed now.

Now, what about those uncertainty and anxiety?

Yes, the most important to address.

I'm going to share with you a very empowering tool,
that we work with on the self actualization processes.

It helps to promote inner calmness and confidence,
and to open up to the big picture.
It will also help you in taking a better care of your worried, restless inner child,
and help them to calm down.

We will do a lighter version,
but it will be enough so you can get the idea and start to play around with that.

But first, I wanted to ask how you're feeling and dealing these days?

I really like to be of service to you as much and as personal as I can,
so I just made this quick & easy way
to give me a clue about your wants and needs on these days.
Tell me here

Or maybe... wait,
before you click on that link, let's explore.
So you can also share your experience with me, if you feel like.

I'll remind you about that at the end of the email.
So that now you can stay with me in our journey towards a peace of mind.
Time folding: Fly forward with your future self

Why to grope in the dark, if we can turn on the light.

Contacting the future self is easy and joyful,
and gives a lot of information about the current situation and the next steps.

Before we start:
1. I recommend that you somehow record what is coming up here.
If you like, you can enjoy this worksheet:
Fold time with your future self

2. Just to begin with, decide on one issue - life area or aspect,
and keep focusing on it through the entire exercise.

3. The detailed you make it, the more clarity you'll get. Do the hard work... It worth it.

Let's start.

1. Face the present
  1. What is the situation right now, regarding the chosen issue? 
  2. How does it feel? What does it bring into your life?
  3. Would you prefer it to be different? If yes, in which way? What needs to change to make it perfect?
2. Design your past
  1. What in the past brought about the present situation? Think of behaviors, circumstances etc.
  2. If you could start everything from scratch using the wisdom and the experience you have today, what would you do differently?*
* Answer this question as if you're now at that past -
use present time, and make positive statements.
For example: I'm eating healthy food, I'm putting money aside etc.

3. Co-create your future

This is the real game.
  1. Relax, breath, open up, and contact with your desired ideal future version, at the age of your choice.
  2. It can be just an inner conversation, or you can physically change locations in the room when switching between the present and the future versions.
  3. Let the future version telling you their story. Ask them question, and get clarity.
  4. Remember that they already went through everything that hasn't yet unfolded for you... so they have all the answers.
  5. Go back and forth as many times as needed.
  6. Once you guys are done, make sure you know how to re-connect to each other, thank them and say good bye.
  7. Reflect, process, execute.
* * *

If you did the exercise,
thank you for your trust.
How did it go?

If you didn't, 
maybe try later.
It's really helpful, specially - beside the inspiration and the huge reliable source - for putting things in proportion.

I actually ask and listen to my future self all the time.
Even for really tiny things... Why should I try forever to figure it out,
if she already has the answer?

I would love to hear about your experience,
and mainly, like I said before - how can I better serve you through this period of time?
Tell me here
Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,


If you feel that it's time to make your reality work better for you:
  • Skype sessions are now available
  • 20% Off all single sessions
  • All available spots are open on the Online Booking System
To book, start here:

Book your spot online

And then:
  1. After clicking the above link, click on "book Your Visit Now" - big button at the bottom of that page
  2. Choose from the offered list a Welcome Session if this is your first time, or a Subsequent Visit 130min if this is a follow up
  3. Follow the directions on the Confirmation Email, if there are any
And we are all good to meet.
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