Date of notice: March 23, 2020
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) responds to coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic; ABCA closes public office until further notice; Staff continue to deliver programs, services remotely
In response to public health guidelines for preventive actions related to coronavirus (COVID-19), Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority has implemented changes to operations and programs:
ABCA office
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority office is closed to the public until further notice.
Staff working from home but still available to help you
Staff who can complete their duties remotely will work from home and monitor emails and messages. We ask the public to communicate with staff by email or telephone. Staff will continue to respond to inquiries but some delay in response time may be anticipated. Check our staff directory for email addresses and phone extensions. Here is the link to the staff directory:
If you are unsure which staff member to contact, email us at info@abca.ca and we will forward your message to the appropriate person.
Programs and services
ABCA continues to ensure the delivery of essential services and programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. These services and programs include flood forecasting and warning; operation and maintenance of water control structures; communications; municipal support; general administration and corporate services; payroll; and property oversight. Staff continue to review development applications and issue permits as efficiently as possible.
Conservation areas
Washrooms and playground equipment at conservation areas are closed until further notice. Properties are open to people who can visit safely in accordance with all applicable legislation and public health guidelines.
Thank you
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience these changes may cause but the health and safety of our community and our staff is of paramount importance. In order to help do our part to slow the spread of this virus throughout Ontario, the conservation authority has modified its response plan to reflect public health recommendations that help to reduce the risk of community transmission.
