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Coronavirus in Romania: 143 new cases in 24 hours, total reaches 576, five deaths, big problems at hospital in NE Romania

The number of confirmed Covid-19 infection cases in Romania has increased by about a third in 24 hours.

Large hospital in NE Romania closes after 52 doctors and nurses tested positive for the new coronavirus

The hospital serves a county with a population of about 600,000 people.

Coronavirus in Romania: President urges citizens to respect social distancing, warns that harsher restrictions may follow

“Critical weeks will follow, which will put to the test all the capabilities of the state, but also our moral and emotional strength," the president said.

Some 200,000 labour contracts already suspended in Romania due to Covid-19

“This is surely a serious situation,” the labor minister said.


Romania's central bank cuts monetary policy rate to help economy face Covid-19 crisis

BNR said it would hold other meetings “whenever needed."

Romania can use EUR 1 bln EU funds to mitigate COVID-19 crisis

Out of the EUR 1 bln earmarked for Romania, EUR 483 mln is money the country should have returned because it failed to spend it.


Study reveals how the coronavirus pandemic has changed the daily life in Romania

A total of 70% of respondents to a study carried out by Unlock Research said that their lives have changed completely or partially due to the coronavirus pandemic. launches videoconference hosting & publishing service

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Romania’s Awake music festival cancelled due to coronavirus

This is the first major music festival in Romania to be cancelled due to Covid-19.

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