The Volume from 60 Decibels
A monthly collection of our own data and insights, plus the best things we're reading elsewhere.
We hope you enjoy :)

> The Volume this month
All of our lives have been turned upside-down in the last few weeks. These are scary times, full of fear and uncertainty. No doubt your inbox is flooded with articles, links and emails about COVID-19. If you've had enough, we get it. Delete this email, with no hard feelings. We hope you and your loved ones are as well as can be, and we'll see you next month.

But if resources on how to adjust to remote surveys would be helpful to you, read on. We're here to share some ideas to help: our own best practices and resources from peers. 

> Hot off the press: 60 Decibels Remote Survey Toolkit
The 60 Decibels Remote Survey Toolkit is our guide to get you up and running with phone-based surveys. It starts with 10 tips for a successful remote survey, and then digs into details (p.6) on picking your survey modality (voice, SMS, IVR, or online) as well as a list (p.8) of vetted remote survey providers. There are also tear sheets with remote survey rules of thumb and a 7-point checklist for working enumerators. This is version 1 of this document, so if you have additional suggestions for resources you'd like us to add, please let us know.

> Meet The 60dB Enumerator Network
In case you're on the lookout for spare enumerator capacity, or just need a way to reach people in your network, we'd love to help. We have a network of 200+ trained enumerators across 30 countries who are trained at conducting remote phone-based surveys and speak 40+ languages.

Here's a quick digression that warmed our heart. Last week, one of our enumerators (Jhazel) was having trouble reaching a respondent, and that person texted her to say she couldn't talk because she was deaf and mute. Amazingly, Jhazel speaks Sign Language so she did a video call to complete the interview. If this network of intelligent, proactive, trained interviewers might help you keep your research moving forward, please drop us a line.

> You Can Help: International Survey on Coronavirus
This project is a collaboration between 10 top universities including Harvard, Cambridge and Warwick to learn how people are coping with the spread of COVID-19. You can take the survey yourself or translate it into additional languages.

> We Can Help: 60dB and Coronavirus
Starting immediately we will be including 2-5 COVID-19 questions in all our customer surveys. We’ll be sharing what we learn starting next month. Stay tuned. 

> Other resources we hope you’ll find useful - including a webinar TODAY.
From 09:00 - 10:00 eastern time today, join MIT professor Tavneet Suri for a webinar on conducting phone surveys. Here’s the Zoom link and the meeting ID is 130 252 141. Some additional resources we hope you find useful: data curated by Johns Hopkins on COVID-19 cases worldwide; a great initiative crowdsourcing public perception of COVID-19; and for U.S.-specific data, check out the COVID tracking project

> Next Month: Turning Up The Volume on Climate
It’s well documented that the poorest are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. We are beginning a multi-year project to hear directly from farmers about climate impacts. Next month, we will publish a new series on climate change covering the toolkit we're building that helps organizations measure their contribution to building smallholder farmers’ capacity to absorb and withstand climate-related shocks. Stay tuned for findings from listening to over 20,000 farmers from 15+ countries. 

> From Sasha: COVID-19 Reflections
These last few weeks have been hard on all of us. Sasha shares two personal posts from his first and second weeks transitioning to social distancing. 

> Interested in a better way to listen? Let's talk : )
> Interested in joining our growing 60dB team? Open positions:
Lean Data Researchers (Global)
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