
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
COVID-19 is having a monumental effect on health systems and human lives around the world.  While not much is known about how COVID-19 affects pregnant women and their babies, it is important for pregnant women and their caregivers to follow global and national prevention guidance.

This unprecedented time underscores the importance of the work we do every day to support pregnant women and their newborns in the communities they live.  With this in mind, the TIPTOP project developed a practical, simple program brief that includes a job aid to help support the delivery of community intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy in the context of COVID-19. Click on the link below to access the brief. 
In closing, thank you to all of the healthcare workers who are on the frontlines every day and to our TIPTOP staff for continuing to provide the needed services their communities need. We wanted to highlight some of them below to show our appreciation for the work they do.
Visions from the Field
Frontline Healthcare Workers from TIPTOP Countries
DRC, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria
Photo credits: Karel Prinsloo (DRC), Karen Kasmauski (Nigeria, Madagascar) and Kate Holt (Mozambique)

Meet our TIPTOP team members

Fabrice Witanday

Program Officer, Jhpiego, DRC
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: to assist and contribute to positive change in terms of data and community participation in the prevention of malaria in pregnancy using the community-driven approach for IPTp.

Eliane Razafimandimby

Country Director, Jhpiego Madagascar
My role on TIPTOP is: to provide leadership and strategic direction as well as managerial oversight to ensure programmatic and financial integrity of the project and to ensure we achieve project goals, objectives and targets.

Herbert Onuoha

M&E Advisor, Jhpiego Nigeria
I realized I wanted to work in global health when: I observed the increasing HIV burden in Nigeria. This led me to apply for and receive a scholarship to study International Health in Germany with a focus on Project Monitoring and Evaluation, hoping to turn data into evidence for actions to improve global health.
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Jhpiego • 1615 Thames Street, Baltimore, MD 21231

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