IPMN update, plus TWO action alerts
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Lenten Blessings...

Dear IPMN Friends,

These days we are hearing the voices of fear, and words of false hope, the trauma of isolation and the call for community. With Corvid-19, we are in the midst of something we cannot fully understand, nor an outcome we can yet imagine.

We started our Lenten journey with ashes, a reminder of where we began and to where we are going. We normally consider this ancient ritual purely as metaphorical. However, these days, the fragility of our lives seem to be in the balance. The new rituals of distancing, quarantine and washing bring new urgency to our ashen life.

As Presbyterians we often quote Romans; “in life and in death, we belong to God.” These words take on new relevance. We know this fragility is a constant among our sisters and brothers in Palestine, now walled off, cut off, and even imprisoned by an Israeli government that would prefer they simply die from a virus than offer aid or the freedom to protect themselves - another tool of ethnic cleansing. 

We find ourselves in challenging times, yet our Palestinian siblings continue to call out. We hear and seek to be faithful in our response. Thank you for your continuing support of them and your activism which holds accountable the powers of this world.

In life and in death we all belong to God. This is a time, as we prepare for the unexpected life-gift of Jesus, who transformed death into life, who wrestled the dark powers and was, and is victorious.

Again, we acknowledge our vulnerability and need for Jesus, God present in power and might, who calls us to claim that power, through our defiance of dark powers and who is our declaration of truth to those powers.

John Anderson
Pauline Coffman

Join JVP's Action Alert!

The first cases of COVID19 cases have been confirmed in Gaza as of 3/22. [1] COVID-19 is uniquely threatening to Palestinians in Gaza. The 1.8 million people in Gaza cannot safely self-isolate – there simply isn't space – and no one can leave the region. On top of that, Israel has supplied just 200 COVID-19 tests for almost 2 million people. 

It is critical that Israel lift the embargo on Gaza NOW. 

Gaza reportedly has only 2,800 hospital beds and 60 ventilators. These shortages will mean certain and unnecessary death for countless Palestinians. 

We call upon members of Congress to tell Israel to end its death sentence for the people of Gaza and lift the blockade.

After 13 years of embargo, war, and bombings by Israel, Palestinians in Gaza face a severe shortage of resources and medical personnel. Health officials warn that containment and treatment under the Israeli blockade will be nearly impossible in Gaza. ...

Read more and sign JVP action alert here.

IPMN Financial Report 

Well, we live in interesting times.  As of today we have received $34,288 toward our goal of $45,000, which is 76% of goal. That is pretty good for this point in the campaign cycle.  

Interestingly, half of that is pledges and the other half is non-pledge contributions and contributions sent through PCUSA.  That means our pledgers have paid about 57% of their pledges.

In an ordinary year, this is the time we would begin to communicate, solicit and remind our pledgers of their commitment to IPMN, the upcoming General Assembly, our grant program, and our need to see their support.  BUT this is not an ordinary year.

We do not know if there will be a GA or if it will be postponed.  We do not know if IPMN will be able to meet in person or not.  We don't know peples' financial situations in this time of emergency — none of which could possibly be better than they were last month.

Our campaign is underway, we expect and hope to be at GA even if it is moved to another time of the year.  We really need your support to accomplish our common goals.
Blessings to you as you live through this Lenten season,
Kurt Kaboth
Funds Development

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Israel must release all Palestinian child detainees amid COVID-19 pandemic

Demand that Israeli authorities take immediate action to release all Palestinian child detainees in Israeli prisons and detention centers due to the increasing vulnerability created due to the rapid global spread of the COVID-19 virus and to safeguard their right to life, survival, development, and health in accordance with international law.

Palestinian children imprisoned by Israeli authorities live in close proximity to each other, often in compromised sanitary conditions, with limited access to resources to maintain minimum hygiene routines, according to documentation collected by DCIP. 

COVID-19’s impact is exacerbated by these living conditions making Palestinian children in Israeli prisons and detention centers increasingly vulnerable.

There is no way Israeli prison authorities can ensure the health and well-being of Palestinian child detainees as long as they continue to be in a custodial detention setting.

In a headcount at the end of December 2019, 186 Palestinian children were detained in Israeli prisons, according to the latest figures released by the Israel Prison Service. 

While international law demands that children...

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