Defenders of the Downsized: exclusive news for the Layoff-Aid community

Hello, Layoff-Aid community.

COVID-19 has the Bay Area sheltered in place, and changed the world since our last newsletter just weeks ago.  Many are understandably worried about their health, the safety of their communities, and of course, jobs for them and for their families.  Some advice from the family sage that I thought worth sharing: “take one day at a time.”

For years, I have been harping that layoffs in tech are a normal part of a healthy ecosystem, even in a strong market.  But, for the first time since Layoff-Aid started operating in 2017, we have a truly turbulent market.

So, we now want to accelerate our efforts to provide benefits to our job-seekers.  We are working on a couple of ideas and would welcome suggestions.  Don’t be a stranger if you think of anything that would benefit our job-seekers!

Without further ado, a new batch of talent.

🚨 New SF Talent 🚨

Want more talent that hasn’t posted their info publicly? Consider Layoff-Aid for Hiring.

Downsize News
There's a lot.  So, we'll focus rather than overwhelm
Relevant Reads

Is anyone seeing companies bold enough to slash salaries instead of jobs? I’d love to hear about that if so. 

Landed here by a friend? Sign up for this Newsletter for yourself.

Seen any spreadsheets or news that should get shared with our community? Email or simply reply to this email 👋

Wishing everyone health and safety,

Adam and the team


P.S. You know the fastest way to get the free spreadsheets full of talent? Follow us on Twitter/LinkedIn! 👇

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