COVID-19 5.0: Pediatric Telemedicine, Patient Engagement & Adoption

Apr 9, 2020 11:00 AM in Central Time (US and Canada)

Anytime Pediatrics is hosting a series of webinars on telemedicine. This fifth webinar will focus on the state of pediatric telemedicine
Digital strategies
- How to reach your patients online
- Tactical execution / roll out
Best practices
- Marketing tips & tricks
How Allied Physicians Group successfully implemented telemedicine
- Gaining provider & patient adoption
- Success stories
Register Here: Anytime Pediatrics Telemedicine Webinar
CPF has hosted webinars on Employment Law in the Coronavirus Landscape, Real Estate Strategies in an Unstable Market, and Adapting to Telehealth as a Community Practice aimed at helping members manage the COVID-19 outbreak. Find those links and more below:
CPF Webinar: Employment Law w/ Baker Donelson Attorney Kim Vance
CPF Webinar: Real Estate Strategies w/ Ken Jorgenson of CARR Healthcare Realty
CPF Webinar: Adapting to Telehealth as a Community Practice w/ VUMC Telehealth Director Amber Humphrey
All CPF Video Education
The TN Dept of Health has been holding weekly Friday webinars to give updates. Find all recordings and register for the next one at the link:
TDH Friday COVID-19 Webinars
The Pediatric Management Institute (PMI) has been holding webinars on The Business Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Practices to discuss financial and operational issues pediatric practices are facing.
PMI Business Impact Webinar - Part 1 (March 19)
PMI Business Impact Webinar - Part 2 (March 26)
PMI Business Impact Webinar - Part 3 (April 2) Featuring Dr. Suzanne Berman)
TNAAP is holding a webinar on Wednesday, April 8 at 6:30 PM that will provide guidance on how to implement telehealth. Telehealth experts Suzanne Berman, MD, and Sue Kressley, MD, will be featured as guests. 
Register for 4/8 TNAAP Telehealth Webinar

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Cumberland Pediatric Foundation · 5141 Virginia Way, Suite 230 · Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 · USA