Break Through To The Other Side - April Newsletter - MJ Kasliner

Break Through to the Other Side

The earth is wet, rich in minerals, plants are pliable and receptive to these rich minerals from the mother fueled by rain from the heavens. The earth is pregnant and the Goddess Eastra is strong right now. She represents the light of a new day, birth and growth. 

The cardinal direction "East" is recognized in her name "Eastra." This is the direction of new beginnings, strong roots and connection to humanity. Can you think of everything that is happening right now as a movemnt towards something new? Can you be more pliable and receptive even though the world right now points to the opposite?

There is a break through to the other side that is happening. Be patient as the shadow is necessary for growth and change to occur. Without the shadow there is no light. The shadow is a fundamental part of our humanity. To deny it diminishes the capacity for humanity to embrace the power of the light.

The shadow gives us a glimpse into the human ego -- the "I-ness" or the "I-maker" allowing humanity to transcend these aspects with awareness and compassion. That's what we need right now; awareness and compassion.

Everything has energy; everything is a vibration, and everything needs space to move, shift and release. This includes what is happening right now with this pandemic. It needs space to move, shift and release.

Stay present to what is growing, birthing inside of you without shutting down, reacting or resisting. Take this time to connect to others by first connecting to yourself. Examine who you are through self-study. In yoga philosophy this is known as "Svadhyaya." What can you learn and what can you let go of?

Stay Healthy & Safe,
Mary Jane Kasliner

"We  will either find a way, or make one."

April Energy

April is the month of the trigram Qian--Heavens Gate. Be inspired, help others and seek the unknown.

Family Sector: 
--Family is the initiative
--Practice effective communication
--Welcome support
--Read & write more
--Engage in outdoor exercise
--Eat more green leafy veggies
--Add the element of fire to the east portent to keep wood energy balanced

Value Creativity

Creativity is a force. It's the power of love, the power of life, a gift of the Divine. We are all connected to that force.

Open up to your creative powers -- in work, in play, in love. Creativity comes in many forms--cooking, decorating, speaking, drawing, writing or building something, even a sand castle. Own your creative powers. Allow your creativity to flourish. This month is a perfect time to let your creativity blossom, especially when it comes to writing.
60 Minute Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class. Please enjoy my class during this time of crisis. Any donation is appreciated as all yoga studios are closed due to COVID-19. Venmo handle: Mary Jane Kasliner @ Mary Jane-Kasliner. I also have a paypal account.
In gratitude!
About Mary Jane
Feng Shui
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