
The Prospect Heights Shul is a Modern Orthodox Shul in Brownstone Brooklyn


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The Prospect Heights Shul
A Modern Orthodox Shul in Brownstone Brooklyn

Mazal tov to Tamara, Ben, Mia and Louis Tweel on the birth of their new son and brother. You may sign to bring them a meal here. Please see the following message from the Tweels inviting the PHS community to join the for a communal l'chaim on Sunday, April 5th at 5 pm.


Please join us this Sunday at 5pm, for a l’chaim to toast the birth of our new son. 
Zoom: Meeting ID: 508 189 498
One tap mobile +16465588656,,508189498# US (New York)
+13126266799,,508189498# US (Chicago)

Bring a glass of something strong, click the zoom link, and help us celebrate this new majestic life. 
Our son’s bris will be earlier in the day and, consonant with current public health guidelines, in private. So the l’chaim at 5pm will be the first public announcement of his name! We look forward to celebrating with you. 

With love and gratitude,
Tamara, Ben, Mia and Louis
P.S. If for some reason, we end up experiencing technical difficulties, please reach out to 

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