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Spiritual grounding (aka earthing) is a practice that connects you energetically with the earth's core.

Ways to stay grounded:

Easy Salt Grounding Spell 🧂

Take a pinch of soil and a pinch of salt, and place them with a small stone in a pouch. Then, say (or think loudly) the following words while stamping on the ground with each syllable:

"Salt of salt. Earth of earth."

Whenever you need to be grounded, squeeze the pouch in the palm of your hand, and repeat the words mentally ten times. 

 From: The Little Book of Pocket Spells by Akasha Moon

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Spells for Anxiety

Spells for Anxiety

Troubling times call for comforting aromas, flavors and Magic. Take a deep breath, release slowly, and cast a spell to invoke calm. 

See Spell Collection »
Printable Journal Page

Witches' Journal Page

Keep track of your Witches' Homework practice with daily journaling. 

Print Page (Members Only) »

This PDF comes with a transparent background so you can print it on printer-friendly parchment paper (Amazon) before adding it to your Book of Shadows.
The Hierophant
A card that serves as the masculine counterpart of the High Priestess and is the number five of the Major Arcana cards in the tarot deck.

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Francisco Huanaco
Designer & Founder | Spells8
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