31-Mar-2020 | Lantz Family | Open in web browser
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Serving during COVID-19

Ministry to orphaned and vulnerable children and families continues no matter what the current circumstance. I am required to work from home this month, but we are finding strategic ways to work together as a global team to provide significant care to those we serve.

There will be both challenges and testimonies during this season and we are prepared to adapt every day. Even now we see God's love demonstrated as we continue to serve. Watch the video for a short story and update about what is happening this week at Back2Back.

Thank you for partnering together with us to continue this work!
Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids

At Home

We are grateful to be able to continue homeschooling while Ohio schools have closed during the pandemic. Staying away from friends and normal activities has been difficult for the kids, but we praise God that we are all healthy. In fact, we have seen the kids finding new ways to enjoy each other and deepen their relationships with one another.

Prayer Requests

Please pray that:
  • Safety measures in place will continue to protect our staff.
  • Children and familes we serve will continue to receive critical provisions.
  • Children in the homes will be patient and find constructive ways to use their time when they are required to shelter in place together.
  • Sophia and our own kids will stay healthy.
What prayer requests do you have? What testimonies can you share? Please email us at to to let us know so we can pray and rejoice with you!
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz | 513-498-5223 |
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