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April 2020
Coronavirus: COVID19 

We have been sending out extra bulletins with some useful information for our members. These will continue to be sent on an ad hoc basis as new information is available so please keep checking your email inbox for these. We  would also recommend that you are kept up to date with current CSP and RCOT guidelines regarding the treatment and management of patients with or those suspected to have COVID19. 

Once again, well done for all your hard work up and down the country in whatever areas you may have found yourselves working in,we are proud of each and every one of you. 

Our plans for conference 2020 are still going ahead but we are keeping abreast of the governments guidelines and we are making contingency plans should the advice for limiting mass gatherings be extended. Please keep checking your emails for up to date information regarding this.  
Up coming courses in 2020
13-15th May (POSTPONED) 
Fractures of the hand and wrist (level II) 
North Finchley, London                                         

14th-16th May (POSTPONED
Level I, Introduction to Hand Therapy 
Northwood, Middlesex 

14th-16th September
Level I, Introduction to Hand Therapy 

30th September – 2nd October 
Radiographic Imagining of the Hand (Level II) 

4th-6th November
Level I, Introduction to the Hand Therapy (Level 1)

13th-15th November
Assessment and differential diagnosis of the hand (Level II)

3th- 5th December
Management of the Wrist (Level II) 

Please see the BAHT website for more details on these courses 
Congratulations go out to Nikki Cliff who became an Accredited hand Therapist in March! Well done Nikki.  
Clinical Evidence Committee Update
The call for abstracts for the 2020 BAHT conference is now open!

This year's conference will be held in Southampton on the 8-9th October. We welcome abstracts on any hand and upper-limb related theme. Abstracts must be plain text only (no tables, references or colours) and a maximum of 300 words excluding the title. Please indicate whether you would prefer to present your abstract as a free paper (oral presentation) or poster. For guidance on abstract structure, please go to the BAHT website. The deadline for submissions is Friday 26th June 2020.

Please direct any queries and email your abstracts as a word file to Authors will be informed of the outcome of their application by Monday 3rd August. We look forward to hearing from you!!

Cold and Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire

Donna Kennedy ( & colleagues in the Imperial College Pain Research Group are investigating cold intolerance. They are recruiting UK based healthy people to complete a set of online questionnaires, taking approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your support with completing and sharing the survey is greatly appreciated. Please access the questionnaire here:

Therapy Management of acute, closed central slip injuries; a practical survey 

Therapy management of acute, closed central slip injuries: a survey of current clinical practice of BAHT members. Tina Daniel is a MSc Hand Therapy Student and as part of her studies, she has developed a questionnaire to explore current therapy practices of acute, closed central slip injuries. Participation if voluntary. The following link accesses the participation information sheet and the questionnaire: 

If you have any questions about the study, please contact Tina;

This Month's Open Access Paper.....

We are excited to share this month's free access paper in Hand Therapy:

"The functional assessment and rehabilitation programme of the UK hand and upper limb transplant service" (2020 Joanna Burdon, Sarah Taplin, Simon P Kaye & Daniel J Wilks, vol 25(1) 18-25.

Would you like to join the BAHT committee and help promote hand therapy nationally and internationally? We are looking for new members to join us. Contact to express your interest in joining. 
Copyright © 2020 The British Association of Hand Therapists, All rights reserved.

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