On Tuesday, Zonta International President Susanne met on-line with governors & officials worldwide. Her objectives were to give us needed information to share with you & to let us all know what ZI is doing to help us through the Coronavirus Pandemic. Here is a summary of our meeting.
You already received her message that our Convention, unfortunately, had to be cancelled.
Full Refunds - Everyone will soon receive an email asking if you want to receive a full refund or partial refund. It will then take about two months for refunds to be issued. Refunds for registration & special events will come from Convention Direct. Refunds for tours & friendship dinners will be from 360 Destinations Group.
Marriott will give full refunds for those who reserved directly through them. Call 1-888-236-2427 now to cancel. Call other hotels & transportation reservations to cancel.
ZI Bylaws Article VII Section 4 states that the Board will do “the best they can” if a Convention is cancelled. Timings pertinent to Convention are no longer mandatory. Business & voting will be done online at close to the original Convention dates, including: Candidates speeches & voting on dues & fees, Bylaws, Resolutions & Goals & our International Projects. The Next Biennium will begin when the New ZI Board is installed.
All Club Presidents will receive both an email & a hard copy of: Candidates, Proposed Bylaws, Amendments & Resolutions, Credentialing Information, 2020-2021 Goals, Service Projects & Officer Forms. (If you have not yet voted for your 2021 Officers, you may want to ask D4 Communications for help to have an online GoToMeeting.) Note: Clubs’ online voting does Not have to be 100%.
Recognitions of Clubs & Members will be done. Virtual events will be open to All – Not just those who registered. YWPA deadline is already delayed. JMK will have difficulty due to colleges being closed. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has not yet responded to ZI but we plan to have an award ceremony.
President Susanne’s next Leadership Call will be in four weeks. I will send all of you any current information I receive before then - plus a summary of it.
A District 4 announcement: The May 9 Workshop has been cancelled. Workshops Chair Governor-Elect Janice Durmis will arrange for an online Workshop Meeting.
Please know that all of Zonta, including very personally me, is thinking of you, concerned about you & hoping that you & your families are safe & well. I especially hope that none of our Zontians have a serious battle with the Coronavirus. Please stay in touch with one another in support & friendship.
Thank you for all you are doing for Zonta & to conquer Coronavirus,
Bonnie Clesse
Governor District 4
Zonta International
4714 Edgewood Terr. | Eden, NY 14057 USA
Phone: +1 716 648 4034 | Skype: bclesse