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April 2020
Laurentian Community Network
For English updates from the government of Quebec regarding Covid-19 please follow the link below:

The CISSS is also providing many resource publications in English. Follow link below:

Should you or someone you know in the Laurentians require resources for grocery deliveries or other Covid-19 related issues please contact us at 1-888-974-3940 or 
4Korners Live Music Sessions on Facebook Live
Did you know 4Korners Live Music Sessions have transitioned to Facebook Live! Now our entire Laurentian community can enjoy local talent from the comfort of home simply by going to our Facebook page at the dates and times listed below.

If you missed our last live session you can watch it here!

Upcoming sessions:
Friday, April 10 at 7:30pm - Angelique Savoie
Normally performing as a guitarist and backing vocalist for The RockSeas, Angélique is rocking her Godin Fairmount guitar as a solo artist from time to time. She revisits songs from The Beatles and Neil Young as well as those from francophone artists like Sally Folk and Daniel Bélanger. Delivering the songs with emotion, you will discover in Angélique an endearing entertainer.

Friday, April 24 at 7:30pm - Jim Brown
Jim Brown’s family moved to Deux Montagnes in 1955. Jim started playing guitar in 1968 and has played in a number of local bands. Since 2017 he has played with a Tragically Hip tribute band as well as a number of local solo performances. Along with Mike Schmidt he was a regular performer at Café Totumos last year. On April 24 he will be performing a 30 minute set of songs from his favourite Canadian artists.
Online Story Time on Facebook Live
Simply go to our Facebook page every Wednesday at 12:30pm
Kids Connect on Zoom
To register for upcoming sessions please click the link below:

Need help connecting online? Contact Jaime 1-888-974-3940 ext. 232 or and she’ll help set you up!
Kids Drawing Classes start April 20th on Zoom
To register for upcoming sessions please click the link below:

Need help connecting online? Contact Jaime 1-888-974-3940 ext. 232 or and she’ll help set you up!
Parents & Tots has transitioned to Zoom
Registration necessary, space is limited!

Tots Time - Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:00 am to 10:30 am
Let your tots interact with others online and benefit from some guided activities.
To register for Tots sessions click the link below:

Parents Time - Thursdays at 2 pm to 3 pm
Take a break and enjoy conversations with other adults while the kids are napping ;)
To register for Parents sessions click the link below:

Need help connecting online? Contact Jaime 1-888-974-3940 ext. 232 or and she’ll help set you up!
Chair Yoga classes start Thursday, April 16 on Zoom
To connect by Zoom and to register please follow the links below:

April 16
April 23
April 30

Need help connecting online? Contact Melanie Wilson 1-888-974-3940 ext. 231 or and she’ll help set you up!

Disclaimer: 4Korners strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge 4Korners from any and all claims or causes of action.

Drawing Classes start Tuesday, April 14th on Zoom
To connect by Zoom and to register please follow the links below: 

April 14

April 21
April 28

Need help connecting online? Contact Melanie Wilson 1-888-974-3940 ext. 231 or and she’ll help set you up!
Caregivers Support Group
The responsibilities of caregiving can lead to feelings of isolation and frustration. Caregivers' social lives disappear. Feelings of guilt and exhaustion are normal! 
All calls and emails are confidential. 

Contact or 450-974-3940
Do you live in the Harrington, Arundel, Tremblant, Morin Heights or Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts area and want to know what is happening in the English-speaking community from others?
Click here for an example
Register to the electronic Community Bulletin Board by sending an email to:

Need help now?
Text CONNECT to 686868
or call a counsellor:

Éducaloi -
Web guides and practical legal tools and information for everyone in English and French. Click on Éducaloi's icon for more information.
Generously supported & funded by
4 Korners 
Laurentian Community Network
Our Mission
Developing collective impact and creating programs to strengthen community vitality in the Laurentians, with a focus on access to health and social services for the English-speaking population.
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