
Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday Service

Because of the restrictions around the COVID-19 virus, we will try a new way to hold the Maundy Thursday Service.
We will record a video like the Sunday worship services. This will be available Wednesday night. You can watch this at your convenience.
The “new” is that we will try to do a communion service. This will be very short. To do this live, we will use Zoom.
We will develop communion kits so that we can serve communion.

  1. We will obtain small jars with lids. These we will wash in a dishwasher to make sure that they are disinfected.
  2. We will wear masks and rubber gloves to assemble the kit. These will be packed in individual zip lock bags.
  3. We will deliver these to the door of people who request them.
If you would like to participate in this service, please do the following:
  1. Email or call the Church office to let us know that you want to participate.
  2. Let us know if you need gluten free bread.

We will send you an invitation to the service with the information that you need to participate in the service. You will be able to see and hear Rev. Janet, but we will not be able to see and hear you. (We will see a list of names of the people participating.)
The service will start at 7:00 pm and last for about 10 minutes.
Not everyone has email. If you have a friend or neighbor who does not have email, please let them know about this service.
If you have questions, please contact the Church Office

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