

 Online and Live streaming Yoga classes

Starting Monday 13th April

Hello dear fellow yogis, friends and community,

I trust people are adjusting to this new way of life. We are all navigating something very different and are inexperienced. It takes time to readjust and create a new rhythm. Ideally we bring things into our lives that are nourishing and supportive for our uncertain times. We are being forced to slow down and turn inwards, for some of us this is challenging. Many of us thrive on connection with others and being active and busy. Things are changing however, and there is much opportunity to stay connected and enjoy the things we love and keep us well.

We are being asked to be flexible, understanding and patient. 

Our normal way of yoga practice has to currently change. I thank all of you who have offered support and checked in, much of our work and business has dissipated overnight. I am embarking on a teaching formate I never imagined. I thank everyone for their patience, understanding and support as I navigate this new platform. It has been great to see many of you at class over the last few weeks.

I will continue to offer free classes this week and next with a new paid 10 week term starting on Monday 13th April.

This has been a large learning curve for me, and I have needed to adjust prices, classes and terms as I've progressed. Ive been reviewing what my peers are offering and what my association has recommended. Hence things are a little different than what I first stated or what you may have seen online, but not much. Prices are similar to face to face classes however I am offering what my peers are not, attendance to multi weekly classes, yoga and meditation, which I hope you will take advantage of as these practices are so very beneficial during this time.

You can find more detail on my website here


Register for classes here

If you are experiencing financial hardship please talk to me and we will adjust the cost to suit.

I hope you will continue to support yourself in your yoga practice and me in my teaching, the yoga community is what keeps my yoga alive. I value the connection I have with many of you and look forward to continuing to share the yoga journey with you. Some of you may not have been able to attend face to face classes however now an opportunity opens up to be guided and practice from your own home.

 Below are links to live streamed free yoga classes, this week and next and ongoing meditation (until the end of April and beyond if people are keen).  Please take advantage of these classes.

I am not in a position to offer refunds for term 1 classes and hope instead you will do many of the classes scheduled. If you are unable to join on Zoom and have classes left from term 1 and want a credit when we are back to face to face teaching, I will honour that.

1) To use the Zoom application,

Down load and instal the app on your device -

2) Click on the URL below depending on which class you want to attend (you will need to sign in individually to each class).

3) It will automatically connect to the Zoom app.

4) Tap to join and you're
 in a waiting room and I will let you in, be patient.

You shouldn't need an ID number however I will add regardless.


Thursday 2/4 7-8.15pm Beginner/General

ID - 973-638-730

Monday Morning Meditation 6.30am ongoing

ID -  525-253-776

Wednesday Evening Meditation Classes 8pm ongoing

ID - 458-743-782

Thursday Restorative 9/4 4.30-6pm

ID - 496-980-565


After that paid subscription to yoga classes.
Register for classes here

Please share the meditation links with anyone you think might benefit. 


If you experience difficulties getting on, contact me 0415834659

I am offering my current students the opportunity to borrow yoga props or buy your own. Props can be purchased from Iyoga props or Yoga King.
If you want to borrow props, contact me.

Take care and stay safe
I look forward to seeing you join the live streaming
Warmly Haydie

For more information please click the buttons below to go to the web site Inspirit Health & Yoga or like me on Facebook & Instagram if you would like regular yoga and health tips and recipes 
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