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What Are You Thinking?
April 3, 2020
As a creator, the bulk of my work is in my mind. It may look like I'm laying in the sun, but I'm actually working.  I spend countless hours in thought before I type a single word of any book or screenplay.  Right now, it seems silly to write about anything except coronavirus. It's all we're thinking and talking about.

My current creative projects are limping along because I struggle with the frivolity of writing fictional stories at such a serious time. As I was praying about my current creative struggle God said to me (in my heart, not my ears) "I gave you an assignment."  God and I went on to "discuss" and I realized that the current situation doesn't let me off the hook. Since I've been in the house for three weeks, I should be on pace to produce a masterpiece by the end of this quarantine.  The first week I was on fire. The next, an impressive spark.  Last week I felt ridiculous writing a scene about two women at a trampoline park. I wasn't terribly productive. 

"How do I do this, God?" 

With everything going on in the world, how can we have any level of productivity or progess?  God has given each of us a purpose and He hasn't paused those flickers burning in your heart. This week we'll look at how to stay positive and focused, even in the midst of uncertainty. 
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"Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do." 
Ephesians 5:17 NLT
God, our Father in Heaven, You are the author and finisher of our faith. Give us the focus and endurance to do what you want us to do. Guide our thoughts in this troublesome time.  Amen. 
As I was saying... lately, the flickers of purpose in my heart are easily smoldered by the thoughts that drown my mind. The brain is the boss of our bodies. Our minds control everything, even things we're not aware of like breathing or blinking.  So, the key to staying on task during such a difficult time is to follow the advice of Ephesians 5:17 above. Don't be thoughtless. Our thinking during this time must be intentional-- intentionally on God's word and His purpose for our lives.  Here are three practical ways to elevate your mind.

Direct Your Thoughts. Just like the intentional exercise we do for our bodies, we can intentionally exercise our minds. Philippians 4:8 tells us exactly what to think about. "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

When we find ourselves dwelling on COVID-19, let's actively change our minds to something positive and praiseworthy. 

Watch What You say. I found myself saying "This is awful" multiple times a day.   Proverbs 18:21 tells us that our words are powerful and shape our lives. So, let's try to  live by Psalm 141:3, "Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips." 

Managing our thoughts requires us to also manage our words. Spend less time talking about "it". 

Think of Others. We're all in this together. Literally. The whole world is battling the coronavirus and there is plenty of angst, arrogance, and anger. Though it's tempting to only worry only about the health and safety of our own families, selflessness has a much more positive impact on our thoughts. Romans 12:17 encourages us to "Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable." 

Give to charity. Don't hoard supplies. Think of others. Helping others can build tremendous clarity and enhance your mood. 

What flicker of purpose have you been ignoring? A book? A business? Looking for a new job? Starting a blog? A ministry? Taking a class?  

Let's get back ON PURPOSE.
Stay healthy. Stay home. Wash your hands. 


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