Thursday, April 16, 2020 Facebook Twitter YouTube Foursquare Instagram Pinterest

University publishes weekly
COVID-19 report for policymakers

University of Kansas leaders are publishing a weekly report for Kansas policymakers summarizing the planning, response and activity at KU related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Updates include topics like finances, academics and KU's workforce.

KU Medical Center to participate
in hydroxycholroquine clinical trial

KU Medical Center will participate in a clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of the drug in preventing COVID-19 infection in exposed health care workers. KU is one of 60 sites across the nation participating in the clinical trial.

KU medical students graduate early to help COVID-19 response in rural Kansas

More than 50 senior students from the KU School of Medicine have asked to graduate early to participate in the Kansas Pandemic Volunteer Health Workforce, a program that will deploy them throughout Kansas as part of the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

KU team creates open-source
design for plastic face shields

A new design for plastic face shields to protect health care workers created at the KU Center for Design Research has been freely downloaded around the world more than 4,500 times.

Researchers donate protective equipment to KU Health System

Researchers at KU donated much-needed personal protective equipment to help their colleagues at The University of Kansas Health System to assist them in caring for patients with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Updates

Learn how KU is helping Kansas and society respond to the COVID-19 pandemic at

Director of State Relations


Kelly Whitten


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