
Dear Friends, 
Rejoice, Christ is risen, alleluia!  May you have a blessed Easter Octave. 

We are offering online recollections this week.  The program will be on our website at this page: "Evenings of Recollection Online." You can access the program Wednesday or Thursday evenings and Saturday morning.  The page will be live at the appointed time.  It is also accessible by smart phone, 

Here is the Easter "Urbi et Orbi" message and blessing of the Holy Father. 

The Opus Dei website posts an alternative "Recollection at Home" package. 

 You will enjoy listening to Andrea Bocelli's inspiring rendition of "Amazing Grace"  in front of the empty cathedral in Milan. 



This time of plague presents us with a calling to more peaceful family time, prayer and charity towards those in need, never forgetting that God can bring good out of evil. 

Daryl Glick
Reston Study Center

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