CPF held multiple educational offerings this week for members, including our first ever "Fireside Chat" and "Town Hall" event.
You can find the recordings of these videos in the links below.

CPF Fireside Chat

COVID Conversations From the Frontlines

CPF Medical Director Dr. Rob Lillard moderated a Zoom webinar discussion between:
  • Dr. Chetan Mukundan of Heritage Medical Associates, and 
  • Dr. Buddy Creech of VUMC Pediatric Infectious Diseases - both of whom tested positive for COVID-19 and have since recovered 
  • PLUS!
  • Dr. Natasha Halasa of VUMC Pediatric Infectious Diseases, who is helping lead a local study developing treatment using COVID-19 antibodies.
View Fireside Chat Recording

CPF Town Hall

Pediatric ENT in the Time of COVID – “How’s

Everybody Liking Telehealth” w/ Q&A
Dr. Chris Wootten, Associate Professor in the Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology at VUMC, led a discussion, along with other Vanderbilt Pediatric ENT faculty, on patient management in the time of COVID-19.

Topics included:
  • Keeping track of medical necessity when considering surgery
  • The role of prophylactic antibiotics in a world where tympanostomy tubes can’t be placed
  • What a family can do to manage chronic otitis media with effusion and hearing loss
  • Risk stratifying obstructive sleep apnea – what is urgent, what can wait, what is the risk of waiting?
  • Evaluating the noisy child via telehealth – what we can learn, what we can’t, and when do we have to bring the child in for further evaluation?
View Town Hall Recording Here

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Cumberland Pediatric Foundation · 5141 Virginia Way, Suite 230 · Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 · USA