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An Update from the Columbia Slough Watershed Council
From all of us at the Columbia Slough Watershed Council, we sincerely hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. In the last month, all of our lives have been turned upside-down as we navigate this challenging new reality.  Thank you to everyone who has connected with us over the past few weeks, we appreciate all of your support and are grateful to have such a compassionate and resilient community surrounding us during this time. It means so much.

While we are sticking close to home these days, there are still lots of ways, big and small, to connect with the outdoors and contribute to a healthy Columbia Slough watershed.  And there's no better time than today - the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!  Read on for updates from the Council and ideas for celebrating our first virtual Earth Day together

Win a Kayak this Earth Day!  Thanks to our partnership with Next Adventure, now is your  chance to win a new Edge 11 Riot Kayak! In honor of Earth Month, with every $25 donation that you make to the Council during the month of April, you'll be entered into our kayak raffle. Donate $100, and you'll receive 5 raffle tickets!  Click HERE to donate today and enter into our raffle.  

At-Home Environmental Education Lessons 
Our Education Director and Education Assistant have been tirelessly working to compile a host of online videos and resources to help support teachers and parents who are teaching their kids from home. New online activities are posted every Monday morning by 8:30 AM, check out our Youtube link HERE.

  May Events Postponed
Based on the recommendations from our state and local officials and the CDC, we will continue to suspend all Columbia Slough Watershed Council events in May until it is safe to resume. We will be hosting a Virtual Gala in May which will include trivia, an online auction, and a short presentation from our Executive Director, so stay tuned for more details and follow us on our social media channels below. We know that we are all excited and in need of community gathering and soon, when it is safe, we will get back to our outdoor routines and passions and celebrate the natural world.

Last but not least, thank you to all of the businesses who pledged to support the Columbia Slough Watershed Council for Earth Day Oregon including: APEX, American Chimney & Masonry, and HOTLIPS Pizza in this collective impact campaign!


The Slough Staff

How are you Celebrating Earth Day?
Earth Day is all about raising awareness of environmental issues, encouraging one another to live sustainably, and celebrating the incredible gifts that nature provides. Even though we may be stuck indoors, we certainly aren’t without things to do to help advocate for a healthy environment.  Here are just a few ideas and activities to celebrate our first virtual Earth Day together.
1.) Make a pledge and a plan to take action

Join Earth Day Oregon’s #MyPlanetMyPledge campaign by writing down an action that you can take to live more sustainably, and developing a plan to help you follow through! Click here for ideas. Make sure to tag us in your online pledge!

2.) Support the Slough & Win a Kayak! 

Make a gift to help your local environmental nonprofits continue delivering on their mission during these challenging times. If you are passionate about the work we do at the Columbia Slough Watershed Council, donate during the month of April for your chance to win a new kayak! More info here.
3.) Learn about the Green New Deal 

This exciting package of legislation focused on tackling climate change and creating healthier communities for everyone. Learn more from the Sunrise Movement and from the Sierra Club.

4.) Learn about the Portland Clean Energy Fund

This new initiative creates $54 to $71 million each year for green jobs, clean energy, and green infrastructure projects in Portland. A coalition of frontline communities successfully lobbied for passage of this measure in 2018, with a focus on benefitting local business and frontline communities. Learn more from the PCEF Coalition and the City of Portland.

5.) Help Influence Metro's Decisions about Natural Area Investments

Last November, voters in greater Portland supported a $475 million bond measure to further protect clean water, restore fish and wildlife habitat, and provide opportunities for people to connect with nature close to home. Raise your voice and help advocate for more projects that improve climate resilience and racial equity in our communities.  Sign up for updates from Metro here.

6.) Become a Steward of Your Own Home

Engage in a litter cleanup around your neighborhood or spend time in your yard looking for and removing invasive plant species! All you need is a bag, some gloves, and your mask! Now, more than ever, time spent safely outside can be so good for you.

7.) Stand Behind Science

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pushing forward with a rule that could have a profound impact on what kinds of scientific studies it's allowed to consider for decision-making, removing its ability to consider studies where the raw data can't be made public—a move to politicize and disregard science, which is widely opposed by scientists. As the coronavirus crisis has made clear, when it comes to public health, we need to be taking the lead from scientists, not pushing them aside. Sign the petition here.

8.) Plant a Tree

The Earth Day Network has a goal of planting 7.8 billion trees by 2020 – one tree for every person alive. By planting trees, you’re taking a tangible action with your students and you’re taking part in this bigger goal. Don’t forget to check out these tree planting tips before you get started.

9.) Watch Free Earth Day Films

Both The Earth Day Film Fest and One Earth Film Festival will be streaming new films and documentaries that explore a myriad of environmental issues. Make a bowl of popcorn, get cozy on the couch, and learn something new!
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Columbia Slough Watershed Council is a 501(c)3 organization that relies on grants, in-kind donations, and generous contributions from our community. Your support helps us preserve, protect, and enhance the Columbia Slough and our watershed. Support this important work by making your contribution today. 
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