
Assalaam Alaykum & Greetings of Peace!

The Islamic Center of Southern California is an independent organization whose primary goal is the development of a vibrant American Muslim identity through spiritual, educational, and recreational activities. 

Even though our doors are closed, we are with you! 

We are proud to have daily streaming content to bring the mosque to your home. Check out this update from Communications Committee head, Edina Lekovic about what we have done, what's to come, and how you can be involved.

Week 5 of #StayAtHome

Our response

Here's how we're continuing to foster community:    Read last week's updates here
Download April Printable Events Calendar (updated!)
Need Help? Click here for Covid-19 Resources

ICSC in the News 

As we have adapted our practices to accommodate social distancing, the media has taken notice! Check out the features below highlighting our work in light of the coronavirus pandemic. 
Article: NBC News 
April 5, 2020
Article: USA Today
April 5, 2020

Video: Celebrating Passover, Easter and Ramadan amid coronavirus

Los Angeles Times
April 12, 2020
Article: LA-ist
March 31, 2020
Podcast: Interfaith Voices
March 27, 2020

Your role

Here's what you can do:
As we work together to keep our community healthy and safe, we ask you to support the Islamic Center today with your generous donation in order to sustain our ongoing programs and services.

At a time when our collection box isn't being circulated on Fridays and Sundays (our busiest days), we ask that you
dig deep to give what you can. Last week, we fell shy of our weekly fundraising target, but you can help us close the gap. 
Now there's a higher tax incentive to give
The CARES Act raises the charitable deduction limit from 60 percent to 100 percent of adjusted gross income for itemizers, and non-itemizers can now deduct up to $300 in charitable giving. C-Corporations can also deduct 25 percent of their taxable income, rather than 10 percent. Talk to your tax advisor about what that means for you.

Would you be willing to make a monthly gift towards cultivating community during these challenging times?
Become a Monthly Donor
Make a one-time donation
Other ways to support: 

Next steps

Here's what we're doing next: 
  • Launching a Ramadan space on our website, stay tuned!
  • Setting up opportunities to involve children in our virtual Ramadan programs.
  • Sponsoring groceries for local community members in need of assistance and expanding our Food Pantry.
  • Continuing to find new ways to upgrade our Livestreaming capabilities and adding more programs.


Please be as generous as you can. Your monthly gift—whether it's $25, $75, or $500—will help us cover our operating costs during these challenging times.
Become a Monthly Donor
Make a one-time donation
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