Carpentry Clippings, 15 April 2020
These past two weeks have been very busy for The Carpentries as we have started work on designing our online workshop pilot and launched official guidelines for teaching workshops online. Additionally, we announced CarpentryCon @ Home, a series of sessions that will run in July and August and feature content from CarpentryCon 2020.
We deeply appreciate the work of our community; without your input we wouldn’t have been able to create CarpentryCon @ Home. Additionally, we are asking for feedback on the online teaching recommendations we published as you teach and take part in remote workshops.
We wish good health and safety to all of you!
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
Community Discussions and Themed Discussions in The Carpentries are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on community calls that may pique your interest and are in a befitting hour depending on your timezone and schedule. You can also watch some of our recorded community calls on our YouTube channel
- 21 April 10am UTC: Community Discussion with Aleksandra Nenadic - Zoom Link
- 21 April 6pm UTC: Community Discussion with Scott Peterson - Zoom Link
- 24 April 7am UTC: Community Discussion with Serah Njambi Rono - Zoom Link
- 28 April 6pm UTC: Community Discussion with Scott Peterson - Zoom Link
Community News
Introducing the CarpentryConnect Planning Kit
We are pleased to share v1 of the CarpentryConnect Planning Kit, a resource designed to guide community members as they organise local and regional Carpentries events, whether online or in-person. Sections of the Planning Kit can be treated as standalone references for areas you are struggling with in your event planning. If anything is missing that you would like to see in this resource, please email or open an issue to discuss your question, request or suggestion in the Planning Kit’s repository. We value all contributions and are keen to draw from your experiences, as these stand to benefit our community extensively.
Work on Designing the Online Workshops Pilot Has Begun
The Carpentries convened a COVID-19 Response Task Force in mid-March 2020, and their work is summarised in this post.This past week, we launched our official recommendations for teaching Carpentries Workshops online. This page will be updated and iterated on as we receive feedback from our community. As a result, The Carpentries Workshop Administration Team is working to update the workflows to help our community in transitioning to online workshops. At this time, we would like to remind instructors how to register their workshops and how to name their workshop webpage.
1. Please be sure to register your self-organised workshop, as you begin planning your Carpentries online event. It is important that you use a unique workshop ID so that we can add your workshop to our database and provide the proper communications with you.
2. When creating your workshop website, please use the following naming convention: YYYY-MM-DD-sitename-online
Apply to Be a Carpentries Maintainer!
Applications for Maintainer Onboarding are open! We are welcoming our newest cohort of Lesson Maintainers, who ensure that our curricula stay up-to-date. Our priority is ensuring that all of our lessons have active Maintainers. New and existing Maintainers are welcome to apply via this form by 30 April 2020, midnight your local time. Learn more about Maintainer Onboarding at this blog post.
An Update from the Instructor Trainer Community
At our April meeting, the Instructor Trainer community discussed the new Task Force recommendations for online workshops. Several Trainers have already engaged with this new medium, and have contributed substantially in development of those recommendations. Trainers are already playing leadership roles in their home communities, thanks in part to their experience hosting online Instructor Training events, and will be instrumental in guiding workshops through the challenging transitions ahead.
Carpentries Instructors in Africa
SADiLar and The Carpentries have teamed up and have funding to run workshops in 2020 aimed at postgraduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences in South Africa. If you are interested in taking part, please contact
Led by Angelique van Rensburg, we are hoping to organise a meetup for Carpentries community members in Africa sometime this year. At this stage, we are keen to hear if you are interested and what your thoughts and ideas are. Let us know by filling this form.
Committee and Task Force News
CarpentryCon @ Home
Recently, The CarpentryCon 2020 Task Force & The Carpentries Core Team announced that there will be no in-person CarpentryCon in 2020. After hearing our community’s ideas, we are now planning for a series of online sessions called CarpentryCon @ Home that will run from July through August of this year.
CarpentryCon @ Home will feature keynote speeches, breakout sessions, lightning talks, and more! Events in the series will be free to attend and spread across time zones. We will also be recording and captioning many of the events to make sure they are as accessible as possible.
Please stay tuned for more information while the planning takes place. If you have questions or are interested in helping to plan please email
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
Being a Carpentries Maintainer and the Skills You Can Learn
Following up his 2016 blog post, “What the Carpentries Mean to Me,” Daniel Chen writes about the professional development value of being a Carpentries Maintainer and includes some helpful tips on git and GitHub. Thank you Daniel!
Official Guidelines (V1) for Taking Your Carpentries Workshop Online
As mentioned earlier in the newsletter, The Carpentries has launched official recommendations for teaching Carpentries workshops online. This blog post highlights the work of the COVID-19 Response Task Force and their work in addressing the urgent demand for remote Carpentries workshops along with the guiding ethos behind the guidelines.
Please Join the Local-Nordic Mailing List
There is now a new Topicbox group - local-nordic, which is a mailing list to discuss activities, upcoming events and topics related to The Carpentries in the Nordic Region (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Estonia).
Tweet of the Week

Community Job Postings
The Digital Library Program at UCLA is hiring a programmer / Research Services Developer. Carpentries Workshops' instruction is a formal part of this job description. Apply here.
The Master of Data Science program and Department of Statistics at the University of British Columbia is hiring Postdoctoral Teaching & Learning Fellows to build and bring industry standard Data Science Education to graduate and undergraduate students. More details available in Tiffany Timbers’ post on TopicBox.
Illinois Natural History Survey is looking for a community manager and a Scientific Specialist. These two positions will help support the development of an open source tool for biodiversity informatics.
Blog Post: How to Have a Large Cohort of Students Learn Python using Live Coding
Carpentries Executive Council member Lex Nederbragt recently authored this blog post about Scaling participatory live coding in an undergraduate computational biology course and how that aids in teaching a large cohort of students to use Python.
ESA Interdisciplinary Power of Data Research Travel Awards
The Ecological Society of America (ESA) invites graduate students and early career scientists from diverse underrepresented groups to join a multidisciplinary network to explore opportunities for collaborative research using big data now available in the ecological sciences. The ESA Interdisciplinary Power of Data Research Travel Awards takes advantage of the theme of the 2020 ESA Annual Meeting:Harnessing the Ecological Data Revolution, to be held from August 2-7, 2020 at Salt Lake City, UT
Participants will engage in research skills workshops, diversity networks and focused conversations on the Power of the Data Revolution at the 2020 ESA Annual Meeting and beyond. This is a special opportunity for diverse underrepresented scientists interested in enhancing or expanding your research interests with your peers from other disciplines through the use of Big Data drawn from the many branches of the ecological sciences.
Applications are due 19 April, 2020.
Webinar: PlantCV: A Modular Image Analysis Toolkit for Building Plant Phenotyping Workflows
If you missed CyVerse’s webinar last week about image analysis workflows in PlantCV and are interested in learning more, their webinar materials are available and located here.
COVID-19 Volunteer Opportunities
Community member Pat L. Di Bello posted in Discuss with the following opportunities for interested people to aid researchers in the global efforts against COVID-19.
Toolshed (Posts from our Past)
To highlight the work that our Lesson Maintainers do and that applications to become a Lesson Maintainer are still open for two weeks, we are resharing a post from our Gratitude series from last year and help celebrate our amazing maintainers.
Other places to connect
Have something you’d like to have included? Send it to