April 15, 2020
State Historic Preservation Board to Meet April 24
BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota State Historic Preservation Review Board will meet Friday, April 24, at 10 a.m. via web conference. The meeting is open to the public, and information to join can be requested from history@nd.gov. The board reviews nominations to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) prior to their submission to the Keeper of the NRHP for official consideration.
Under consideration will be the Harvey Power Plant at the southeast edge of Harvey. Completed in 1930, it was the city’s first and only substantial electrical power generation facility, providing electrical power to Harvey and much of Wells County for twenty-four years before its closure in 1954. The Harvey Power Plant served the Harvey area for over two decades until the consolidation of electricity production facilities and the construction of larger power plants nearby made the Harvey Power Plant obsolete.
The National Register of Historic Places is the nation’s list of properties considered worthy of preservation. The documentation process for listing demonstrates that resource is significant in some aspect of the nation’s history. Contrary to some misconceptions about the National Register program, listing in it does not prevent owners from altering their property, restricting the use or sale of the property, or establish times requiring that the property must be open to the public. Entry into the National Register of Historic Places does give a property prestige, provides protection from federally-assisted projects, and provides eligibility for certain preservation financial incentives.
For more information, contact the State Historic Preservation Office at 701.328.2089.
Lorna Meidinger, 701.328.2089
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