
CPF Town Hall - Thursday, NOON

Pediatric ENT in the Time of COVID
"How's Everybody Liking Telehealth" w/ Q&A
Dr. Chris Wootten, Associate Professor in the Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology at VUMC, will lead a discussion, along with other Vanderbilt Pediatric ENT faculty, on patient management in the time of COVID-19.

Topics to include:
  • Keeping track of medical necessity when considering surgery
  • The role of prophylactic antibiotics in a world where tympanostomy tubes can’t be placed
  • What a family can do to manage chronic otitis media with effusion and hearing loss
  • Risk stratifying obstructive sleep apnea – what is urgent, what can wait, what is the risk of waiting?
  • Evaluating the noisy child via telehealth – what we can learn, what we can’t, and when do we have to bring the child in for further evaluation?
WHEN? Thursday, April 16 - NOON
Register for CPF ENT Town Hall Here

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